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Generating links into Pivot

This information applies to on-prem Pivot instances only.

You can generate links that open to specific views from external systems by POSTing to /api/v1/mkurl.

The post body must include two keys:

#**domain** (string)

The domain on which Imply is running. It will simply be prefixed to the URL.

#**essence** (Essence)

The essence JSON that describes the state. The best way to understand what goes here is to see what calls the UI makes to /api/v1/mkurl/register, which utilizes the same mechanism described here to do URL shortening.

// generating a link
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" --header "x-imply-api-token:<token>" --data '
"domain": <domain name>,
"essence": {<essence object>}
' localhost:9095/api/v1/mkurl



curl -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json" --header "x-imply-api-token:ea750788-9ee5-4498-b2eb-ea25d7a62af5" --data '{
"domain": "http://localhost:9095",
"essence": {
"dataCube": "wikipedia",
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"filter": {
"clauses": [
"dimension": "__time",
"dynamic": {
"op": "timeRange",
"operand": {
"op": "ref",
"name": "m"
"duration": "P1D",
"step": -1
"splits": [],
"selectedMeasures": ["count"],
"pinnedDimensions": ["page"],
"visualization": "totals"
}' localhost:9095/api/v1/mkurl


{ "url": "http://localhost:9095/pivot/d/63af9c7492ddc2273b/Wikipedia" }

More examples for Essence

Example 1

Here is an example that will show the totals visualization filtered dynamically on the last day with the count measure selected and the page dimension pinned.

"domain": "http://localhost:9095",
"essence": {
"dataCube": "wikipedia",
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"filter": {
"clauses": [
"dimension": "__time",
"dynamic": {
"op": "timeRange",
"operand": {
"op": "ref",
"name": "m"
"duration": "P1D",
"step": -1
"splits": [],
"selectedMeasures": ["count"],
"pinnedDimensions": ["page"],
"visualization": "totals"

Posting this will produce:

"url": "http://localhost:9095/pivot/d/63af9c7492ddc2273b/Wikipedia"

Example 2

Here is an example that will show the line-chart visualization filtered on the last 3 days of data (P3D), split on time (bucketed by hour - PT1H), with count, added, deleted, and delta measures selected.

"domain": "http://localhost:9095",
"essence": {
"dataCube": "wikipedia",
"visualization": "line-chart",
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"filter": {
"clauses": [
"dimension": "__time",
"dynamic": {
"op": "timeRange",
"operand": {
"op": "ref",
"name": "m"
"duration": "P1D",
"step": -3
"splits": [
"dimension": "__time",
"bucketAction": {
"op": "timeBucket",
"duration": "PT1H"
"selectedMeasures": ["count", "added", "deleted", "delta"],
"pinnedDimensions": []

Posting this will produce:

"url": "http://localhost:9095/pivot/d/2a9e32bb756240a298/Wikipedia"

Note: the $m variable represents maxTime - the timestamp of the latest data point. In contrast, $n represents 'now'.

Example 3

Here is an example that will also select some dimension filters:

"domain": "http://localhost:9095",
"essence": {
"dataCube": "wikipedia",
"timezone": "Etc/UTC",
"filter": {
"clauses": [
"dimension": "__time",
"values": {
"setType": "TIME_RANGE",
"elements": [
"start": "2016-06-27T04:00:00.000Z",
"end": "2016-06-27T18:00:00.000Z"
"dimension": "channel",
"action": "overlap",
"values": {
"setType": "STRING",
"elements": [
"splits": [
"dimension": "page",
"sortType": "measure",
"direction": "descending"
"selectedMeasures": ["count"],
"pinnedDimensions": ["user"],
"visualization": "table"

Posting this will produce:

"url": "http://localhost:9095/pivot/d/eaf8d548a39f9776e3/Wikipedia"