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Pivot overview

Imply includes an exploratory visualization interface, Pivot, that allows for fast drill-downs of very large data sets through simple drag-and-drop interactions.

With Pivot you can create data cubes, which focus on arbitrary drill downs for a single visualization, or dashboards, which are collections of visualizations for rapidly distilling information.

Instant data visibility

Dashboards let you assemble a set of data views that together give users a overview of a system:

Data dashboard

Note that the screenshots and descriptions in this documentation primarily reflect the Pivot 2.0 interface. If your instance uses Pivot Classic, the appearance of the features described may differ slightly.

Pivot features

Pivot's exploratory visualization interface includes these features, all of which are aimed at providing you the most insights from your data:

Access the Pivot UI

The Pivot UI is an HTML-based browser application. The structure of the Pivot URL differs for cloud and on-prem installations. The following example shows the Pivot URL for a cloud installation:

The following example shows a Pivot URL for an on-prem installation:

Pivot UI browser support

Imply supports the following desktop browsers for use with the Pivot UI:

  • Last three versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge (Chromium version), Opera
  • Firefox ESR
  • Safari (desktop) 16 or above

Pivot's top menu gives you access to the major areas of the UI, including datasources, visualizations, and querying.

Mobile browsers are not supported for use with Pivot.

This section describe some of the main features of the Pivot UI.

Login screen

At login, Pivot users have the option to authenticate themselves for 30 days by checking the Remember Me checkbox. Subsequent logins from that device and browser will not prompt you to authenticate until the trust period expires.

With Imply Private, Pivot does not authenticate users by default, but you can enable user authentication. To learn more, see user mode.

Home screen

The home screen is the first screen that you see when you open Pivot, and is accessible from anywhere by clicking Visuals from the top menu. It presents you with an overview of your data cubes and dashboards.

Home view

From the home screen you can open any data cube or dashboard. You can also create new ones.

You can use the horizontal ellipsis icon next to each data cube or dashboard to quickly duplicate, edit, or delete the item.

The navigation menu, located in the top left corner, is available from any view and can be used to easily navigate between views.

Cube view menu icon

Clicking outside the menu closes the menu.

Imply license

When you are within 30 days of your Imply license expiring, Pivot displays a banner to users with the AdministerClusters or ManageClusters permissions.