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Delete data

To remove data in Imply Polaris, you can delete all data within a table or a subset of rows based on a given time interval. You cannot remove a column containing data from a table. For more information, see the supported schema updates.

When you delete data, you have the following options:

  • Soft delete data, which means the data is recoverable within a grace period (up to 30 days). For more information, see Manage deleted data. Note that data also gets soft deleted if it exceeds your retention period and is not cached.
  • Delete the data immediately. If data is deleted immediately, you cannot restore it. Immediate data deletion is permanent.

This topic shows you how to delete data in a Polaris table.

Delete all data

To delete all data from a table, do the following:

  1. From the table view, click Manage > Delete data.
  2. Select the option to Delete all data.
  3. Select Soft delete or Delete immediately.
  4. Confirm your choice.
  5. If you choose Delete immediately, Polaris prompts you to enter the name of the table to confirm your decision. Enter the table name and click Confirm to begin the permanent data deletion.

Delete data by time interval

To delete data based on a range of time, do the following:

  1. From the table view, click Manage > Delete data.
  2. Select the option to Delete data by time interval.
  3. Enter the year, month, and day for the start and the end of the time interval. The smallest interval of time you can specify depends on the time partitioning set on the table.
  4. Select Soft delete or Delete immediately.
  5. Verify the time range for the data deletion. If it looks correct, click Confirm to begin the data deletion.

Learn more

See the following topics for more information: