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Pause and resume a project

Imply Polaris lets you pause a project temporarily. While a project is paused, the only charges you continue to accrue are for storing files in Polaris and using block storage resources.

This topic describes how to pause and resume a project.


To pause and resume a project, you need the AdministerScaling and AdministerProjects permissions. These permissions are assigned to the Organization Admin group by default. For more information on permissions, see Permissions reference.

You can pause a project only when it is in a running state.

Pause a project

You can pause any project in a running state, irrespective of the account plan and project size. Pausing a project cancels all of your running batch and streaming ingestion jobs. All new ingestion jobs will fail. All running queries are canceled without returning data to users.

While your project is paused:

  • You continue to accrue costs associated with file storage and EBS volumes.
  • UI access is limited to the Administration console.
  • You cannot load new data or query existing data.
  • You cannot create new tables, tiles, or dashboards.

To pause a project:

  1. In the top right corner of the page, click the gear icon to open the Administration console.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to the project you want to pause and click Pause: Projects view
  3. Confirm your selection to proceed. The process takes a couple of minutes.

You can also pause your current project from the project selector drop-down:

  1. Expand the project selector drop-down.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon.
  3. Click Pause.
  4. Confirm your selection.

For information on how to pause a project programmatically, see Update a project via API.

Resume a project

You can resume a paused project at any time by clicking the Resume project button on the home page. It takes a few minutes to resume a project.

Learn more

See the following topics for more information: