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Data cube and dashboard query parameters reference

You can create a URL that links directly to a Polaris data cube or dashboard.

This topic contains a description of the query parameters you can use to define the view of the data cube or dashboard in the link.

URL structure

The URL contains the project ID and the data cube or dashboard ID, followed by the query parameters that filter the view.

You can locate project, data cube, and dashboard IDs in the Polaris UI.

Data cube URL


Dashboard URL


For example, the following link applies the table visualization with a dimension, measure, and filter to a Wikipedia data cube:[in](London,Paris)

Reserved characters

Use URL encoding for reserved characters and spaces. For example, represent the hash character in #en.wikipedia as %23: filter=channel[eq]%23en.wikipedia.

See Percent-encoding for more information and a list of reserved characters.

Query parameters

You can use the following query parameters to construct a link to a data cube or dashboard.

Data cube parameters

The following query parameters apply to data cube URLs.


The visualization to apply to the data cube. You must set a visualization if you want to apply any of the other query parameters or a filter.

  • Value: Visualization nameone of:
    bubble-chart, geo-marks, geo-shade, heatmap, horizontal-bars, line-chart, path-tree, pie-chart, records, records-table, sankey, sparkline, stack-area-chart, street-map, spot-matrix, sunburst, table, totals, treemap, vertical-bars
  • Supports multiple: No

Example to set the visualization type to table: visualization=table


One or more dimensions to apply to the data cube.

  • Value: Dimension ID
    View dimension info in the Polaris UI to find dimension IDs.
  • Supports multiple: Yes

Example to set dimensions to city name and channel: dimension=cityName&dimension=channel


One or more dimensions to pin to the sidebar in a data cube.

  • Value: Dimension ID
    View dimension info in the Polaris UI to find dimension IDs.
  • Supports multiple: Yes

Example to pin the country name and city name dimensions to the sidebar: pinnedDimensions=countryName&pinnedDimensions=cityName


One or more measures to apply to the data cube.

  • Value: Measure ID
    View measure info in the Polaris UI to find measure IDs.
  • Supports multiple: Yes

Example to set measures to comment length and added: measure=sum_commentLength&measure=sum_added


Include a time comparisonfor example, to compare current data with a previous period of time.

  • Value: Date or duration
  • Supports multiple: No

Example to compare data with the previous 6 months: compare=P6M

Dashboard parameters

The following query parameters apply to dashboard URLs.


Link to a specified dashboard page.

Before you use the page parameter, go to the dashboard options in the Polaris UI and make sure Pages is set to Show pages selector. See Dashboard pages for more information.

  • Value: Dashboard page ID
    Polaris numbers dashboard pages 1, 2, 3, etc as they appear from top to bottom in the UI.
  • Supports multiple: No

Example to display the second dashboard page: page=2

Filter expressions

You can add filter expressions to both data cube and dashboard URLs. Polaris supports the following expressions:


  • Operators:
    Equal to: eq
    Contains: contains
    In: in
    Not equal to: ne


Filter for city name equal to "London": filter=cityName[eq]London
Filter for city name containing the characters "Lon": filter=cityName[contains]Lon
Filter for city name "London" or "New York": filter=cityName[in](London,New%20York)
Filter for city names not equal to "London" or "New York": filter=cityName[ne](London,New%20York)


  • Operators:
    Greater than: gt
    Less than: lt
    Greater than or equal to: gte
    Less than or equal to: lte
    Provide both upper and lower limits

Example to filter for comment length greater than 10 characters and less than 20 characters: filter=commentLength[gt]10[lt]20


  • Operator: eq

Example to filter for records with the "isNew" flag set to "true": filter=isNew[eq]true


  • Operators:
    Start date and time: start
    End date and time: end
    Latest interval: latest
    Previous interval: previous
    Current interval: current
    Provide both start and end to define a fixed time intervalyou can't use these operators alone.
  • Valid intervals:
    latest: 1hour, 6hours, 1day, 7days, 30days, 3months
    previous: hour, day, month, quarter, year
    current: hour, day, week, month, quarter, year


Filter for records with timestamp between and including 2022-01-01 and 2022-01-02: filter=__time[start]2022-01-01[end]2022-01-02
Filter for records with timestamp set to the previous day: filter=__time[previous]day

Learn more

See the following topics for more information: