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Imply Polaris release notes archive

This topic contains archived release notes for Imply Polaris for the previous calendar year. If you need to access older Polaris release notes, contact Polaris support. For the latest Polaris updates, see Release notes.

For information about Imply Enterprise, see Imply Enterprise and Hybrid release notes.

November 19, 2024

Mid-November release | Polaris version 089e10fa

mTLS for Kafka connections in the UI

You can now configure mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication when you create an Apache Kafka connection in the UI. To do so, configure the Mutual TLS authentication properties when creating or updating a connection (id: 31742, 63649)

Pause and stop protection for projects

You can now prevent accidental pausing and stopping of a project by setting the project's stopProtection property to true (id: 63908)

Other improvements


  • You can now specify the date and time to start evaluating alerts (id: 40669)
  • You can now select measures to exclude from the show bar of an embedded visualization (id: 63834)
  • You can now set a minimum auto-refresh rate when creating a dashboard (id: 64032)
  • You can now hide the fixed time filter from embedded dashboards and visualizations (id: 60177, 64329)
  • Added an Owner column to the Alerts and Reports pages, and a Created by column to the Dashboards and Data cube pages (id: 64457)
  • Improved handling of time series dimensions in visualizations (id: 61400)
  • Improved the display of long data cube names in the dashboard tile picker (id: 64357)
  • Enabled the Data cubes tab within dashboard settings (id: 64193)


  • You can now declare dimension columns with the geo data type. Polaris uses the geo data type to store high-precision geospatial data (id: 63368)
  • You can now declare measure columns with the ingest_timeseries data type. Polaris uses the ingest_timeseries data type to store time series aggregated from raw data (id: 60207)
  • You can now declare the following array types: doubleArray, floatArray, longArray, stringArray (id: 63058)
  • You can now set replaceRunning when creating a streaming ingestion job to replace an existing job (id: 64544)


  • Added support for minimum (MIN), first (FIRST), last (LAST), and average (AVG) scalar expressions over a time series. For example, MIN_OVER_TIMESERIES (id: 62717)
  • Added support for FILTER expressions in time series objects (id: 62719)


  • Fixed Sankey visualization crashing when converting dashboards from Imply Enterprise (id: 64435)
  • Fixed an issue with measure names overlapping in the overall (explore) visualization (id: 36814)
  • Fixed an issue where the Hide formula setting didn't hide dimension and measure formulae (id: 64448)
  • Fixed an issue where a data cube time filter required a time interval to be selected before switching to "fixed" mode (id: 64255)

October 16, 2024

Mid-October 2024 release | Polaris version 15f46a6e

Regex input format

You can now use regular expressions (regex) to parse your input data for ingestion. Use regular expressions for structured data that doesn't fit one of the other supported formats. Regex format is supported for batch and streaming ingestion. For more information and examples, see Parse data using regular expressions (id: 63174)

AWS Singapore and Ohio regions

You can now deploy Polaris projects in the AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) region, ap-southeast-1, and the AWS US East (Ohio) region, us-east-2. For more information, see Cloud providers and regions (id: 31756, 63341)

Improvement to alert example query

In the Alerts v1 API, exampleQuery in the request response now evaluates to true or false. You can copy an example query, customize it, and run it to determine whether it would trigger the alert (true) or not (false) (id: 63434)

Other improvements


  • In the bar chart visualization, you can now group multiple series horizontally instead of stacking them vertically (id: 63887)
  • Downloads for explore visualizations now use the same "max time" calculation as shown in the visualization (id: 63850)
  • You can now preview the time range when adding a relative comparison to a visualization (id: 63944)


  • Added guardrails on inserting data into lookup tables (id: 62763)
  • Improved UI for recovering segments (id: 60594)


  • Fixed an issue where creating a records table visualization on an empty data set could block the report cycle (id: 63929)
  • Fixed an issue with the Embedding links v1 API that prevented creating two requests with the same viewDescription (id: 63731)
  • Fixed an issue with editing a report after removing a dimension used as a report filter (id: 63475)
  • Fixed an issue with custom time presets not being properly formatted or recognized in the data cube filter bar (id: 63395)
  • Fixed an issue with the lookups UI displaying all tables instead of only the tables eligible as lookup sources (id: 63692)

October 2, 2024

Early October 2024 release | Polaris version f2594cb1

Latest time filter granularity

You can now set the latest time filter granularity for a data cube when using the Data cubes v1 API and in the Advanced data cube UI settings:

Latest time filter granularity

When using a relative time filter, Polaris applies this level of granularity to align filter boundaries when querying the underlying table. For an aggregate table, set to the same granularity used during ingestion or use Infer from latest timestamp. For a detail table, use Infer from latest timestamp (id: 62574)

mTLS for Kafka connections via API

You can now configure mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication for Kafka connections when using the Connections v1 API.

To do so, configure the keystore properties in the ssl object when creating or updating a connection (id: 31742)

You can now establish a secure connection from Polaris to Azure Blob Storage using Azure Private Link. This ensures that all network traffic between Polaris and your storage account traverses over a private endpoint and remains within the Microsoft backbone network, avoiding the public internet (id: 63542)

Other improvements


  • The time series visualization now supports the DOWNSAMPLED_SUM_TIMESERIES aggregation function (id: 63284)
  • In the records table (explore) visualization, you can now choose whether to display the year in time values (id: 63488)
  • Added an option to Sort by current value when displaying a comparison in a data cube (id: 63566)


  • Added the following ingestion measures to Detailed metrics: Failed Tasks, Successful Tasks, Failed Tasks %, Events Processed %, Events Unparseable %, Events Thrown Away %, Processed With Error % (id: 63789)
  • Normalized CPU metrics based on the number of available cores (id: 63450)
  • Polaris now reports server metrics for projects running in Azure (id: 62140)


  • You can now set the sqlJoinAlgorithm query context parameter (id: 63543)
  • Improved the SQL workbench user experience (id: 63214)
  • Improved the information returned by the /query/sql/statements endpoint when you execute async queries on data in deep storage (id: 62274)


  • Fixed an issue with dashboards refreshing unexpectedly during project updates (id: 63824)
  • Fixed a visualizations display issue where a large number of filters extended beyond the screen boundaries on small screens (id: 63654)
  • Fixed an issue where reports with no data and no Overall row could block the report cycle (id: 63635)
  • Fixed an issue where the asset count in a favorites collection didn't update after an asset was deleted (id: 43246)
  • Fixed an issue allowing navigation to the embedded link details page without saving the secret key (id: 34396)
  • Fixed an issue where explore visualizations had incorrect time formatting applied in standard downloads (id: 63060)
  • Fixed a problem using boolean dimensions in explore visualizations (id: 63471)
  • Fixed error mapping for SQL statement errors (id: 63448)
  • Fixed a problem with the filter range when sorting a data cube by measure (id: 63566)

September 18, 2024

Mid-September 2024 release | Polaris version 9a35e0a2

Scheduled maintenance

Imply will perform maintenance on Polaris on September 28, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM PDT. During this maintenance window, some features may experience limited disruptions lasting no more than two minutes. For more information, see Maintenance schedule.

Lookups GA

Lookups are now generally available. You can use lookups to enrich your data with additional information from a lookup source. A lookup source in Polaris is a specialized table that meets specific requirements. For more information, see Lookups.

Precache policy GA

Precache policies are now generally available. A precache policy controls the data that's precached or only in deep storage. For information on storage policies, see Data lifecycle management.

Records table (explore) visualization (beta)

The new records table (explore) visualization shows the raw data underlying the data cube. You can use the options panel to show the row indices and display columns from the underlying data source instead of the data cube dimensions.

To enable this beta feature, contact Polaris support. Once enabled, you can continue to access the original records table visualization (id: 61646)

Other improvements


  • You can now call the Projects v1 API to view the amount of precached data and data stored in deep storage for a specific project (id: 62630)


  • You can now set a rolling timeframe when configuring a report with options of 7, 30, and 90 days. This sets the report's end date to the final date of the rolling timeframe, which is the day the report is generated (id: 60175)


  • Removed time interval to table segment granularity validation checks (id: 63109)
  • Changed partitioning settings in the ingestion wizard to only apply to the job, instead of modifying the table's defaults (id: 62737)



  • Fixed a problem with dashboards that contain tiles for both street map and explore visualizations (id: 63163)
  • Fixed a display problem with the download button in embedded data cube views (id: 63452)
  • Fixed a dashboard display problem for data cubes with latest data strategy set to use current time (id: 63461)
  • Fixed an issue where Add a dimension and Add a measure showed a blank page in data cube settings (id: 63494)

September 4, 2024

Early September 2024 release | Polaris version e7c7675a

Deep storage and async query billing

Starting September 1, 2024, Polaris began charging for deep storage and async query resources. For information on pricing, refer to the Polaris pricing page.


The flattenSpec API field in ingestion jobs is now marked as deprecated. This field will continue to be supported indefinitely for backwards compatibility. However, we recommend the use of JSON columns and the JSON_VALUE and related functions instead of flattenSpec (id: 40373)

Other improvements



  • Fixed Polaris not canceling report queries that time out (id: 62668)
  • Fixed flat table visualization reports sometimes generating invalid SQL (id: 63231)
  • Fixed dashboard tiles continuously refreshing when a data cube's Latest data strategy is set to use the current time (id: 63137)
  • Fixed breakdown values not displaying correctly in the tree map visualization (id: 62958)
  • Fixed reports failing for queries that take longer than 5 minutes due to access token expiry (id: 63283)

August 21, 2024

Late August 2024 release | Polaris version 7cef2db8

Deep storage and async query billing

Starting September 1, 2024, Polaris will begin charging for deep storage and async query resources. For information on pricing, refer to the Polaris pricing page.

Kinesis metadata

When ingesting data from Amazon Kinesis streams into Polaris, you can now ingest event metadata, specifically the approximate arrival timestamp and the partition key. For more information, see Ingest streaming records and metadata.

Note that this feature will only be available after your data plane has been updated (id: 39194, 62523, 62525, 62535)

Data cube access filters for API keys

You can now assign a data cube access filter to an API key. This allows you to use the Data cube query API to query a data cube that has an access filter applied. See Access filters for more information (id: 62571)

Other improvements


  • Implemented additional guardrails for lookups. For more information, see Lookups (id: 62249, 62857)
  • The Tables page now shows the amount of precached data and data stored in deep storage (id: 62607)
  • Improved error message when creating an Azure connection with a non-existent storage account (id: 61771)
  • Improved the job error pop-up to display the full message without truncation (id: 62741)


Improved monitoring metrics:

See Monitoring for details (id: 61678)

August 7, 2024

Early August 2024 release | Polaris version 39b58e4a

Apache Druid native queries

The Apache Druid native queries feature is now enabled by default for all Polaris projects (id: 62311)

Bar chart visualization (beta)

The new bar chart visualization is highly configurable and optimized for the display of multiple measures in separate charts. To enable this beta feature, contact Polaris support. Once enabled, you can continue to access the original vertical bars visualization as well (id: 41869)

You can now create an embedding link to a bar chart visualization (id: 64212)

Time zone setting for data cubes and dashboards

You can now select a timezone to apply to all data cubes and dashboards. See Data cube options for details (id: 39603)

Inline data ingestion source

You can now provide data directly in the request body when you create an ingestion job using the Jobs API. For more information, see Ingest inline data (id: 61339)

Async queries in the SQL workbench

You can now use the SQL workbench to run asynchronous queries on data stored in deep storage. For more information, see Query data (id: 60791)

Other improvements


  • You can now resize the preview column in both the Edit measure and Edit dimension dialogs (id: 61079)


  • You can view the amount of data that's precached for a table using the Tables API (id: 62335)


  • Fixed an issue with time zone handling in data cubes and dashboards (id: 62410)
  • Fixed an issue where data cubes couldn't be refreshed more frequently than once per minute (id: 61963)
  • Fixed an issue where the Data storage policy summary card didn't display "Interval" unless a table had both period and interval policies (id: 62122)
  • Fixed an issue with the records table visualization failing when trying to download or send as a report (id: 33228)
  • Fixed an issue where the embedding download button was obscured by the records table (id: 62307)
  • Fixed an issue where downloading from explore visualizations didn't apply a default time filter (id: 62605)
  • Fixed an issue where data cube query parameters weren't applied if the default visualization was an explore visualization (id: 62739)

July 24, 2024

Late July 2024 release | Polaris version 65b6697e

Lookups (beta)

Polaris now offers lookups as a beta feature so that you can join information between a table and a lookup source. For details, see Lookups (id: 39037)

Suspend a job

You can suspend or resume a streaming ingestion job in the UI. When you suspend a job, the job execution status changes to Suspended. For details, see Pause and resume jobs (id: 61929)

Suspend a job

AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) region

You can now deploy Polaris projects in the AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) region, ap-northeast-2. For more information, see Cloud providers and regions (id: 61763)

Improvement to alert creation request

Creating an alert using the Alerts v1 API now returns exampleQuery in the response. This is the query string Polaris uses to evaluate the alert, with the time boundary fixed to the alert creation time. This can be useful if you want to create the same alert in another system (id: 40980)

You can now create an embedding link to flat table, overall (explore), gauge, time series, and multi-axis line chart visualizations in the UI and using the Embedding links v1 API.

When creating embedding links for these visualizations in the API, complete the exploreView property instead of viewDescription, select the appropriate moduleName, and set the display parameters (id: 61989)

Improvements to data cube downloads

Added the following Numerical call formatting options when downloading data from flat table, overall (explore), gauge, time series, and multi-axis line chart visualizations:

  • Decimal formatting: Enforce decimal precision.
  • Abbreviations: Enforce the same formatting you see in the UI (id: 61988)

Daily cost breakdown

The Billing page now features a daily cost bar chart for each project. Each bar represents a single day's charges. Hover over a bar to see the detailed charges accrued for that day (id: 60675)

Daily cost chart

Other improvements


  • Users with the AdministerEmbedLinks permission can now enable standard and async downloads when configuring an embedding link (id: 62293)
  • Query monitoring and server-side logging now includes data cube and dashboard IDs, names, and tiles (id: 39741)


  • Improved error message when passing a malformed period to TIME_FLOOR during ingestion (id: 61771)
  • You can create up to 2000 tables for a Polaris project (id: 8742)


  • Added query metrics to the Streaming metrics dashboard (id: 62014)
  • Updated quantiles measures to be faster and more accurate (id: 61675)


  • Fixed an issue where the download output for HLL sketch columns included decimal points (id: 60859)
  • Fixed an issue where async downloads failed when using PIVOT_NESTED_AGG in the filter (id: 61040)
  • Fixed an issue where the Auto label for the line chart visualization displayed a value different from the actual limit (id: 62015)
  • Fixed an issue where the loader element persisted for paused projects (id: 62342)
  • Fixed an issue where the dashboard download button disappeared when the Show title bar option was disabled (id: 61964)
  • Fixed an issue with the Embedding links v1 API returning an incorrect link in the response Location header (id: 61952)

July 10, 2024

Early July 2024 release | Polaris version 05f613fd

Jobs v1 API improvements

The Jobs API now includes a /status endpoint for retrieving and updating the execution status of an ingestion job. You can suspend or resume a streaming ingestion job using the desiredExecutionStatus parameter (id: 61188, 61471)

Improved data cube configuration UI

Improved the UI experience when creating and editing data cubes. Click the tabs across the top of the data cube edit view to access the configuration sections. In addition to the new look & feel, you can now:

  • Use the auto-suggest feature when editing SQL in data cubes, dimensions, and measures.
  • Use dedicated controls for advanced options that weren't previously available.

See Manage data cubes for more information (id: 39621)

Improved monitoring experience

The streaming ingestion page has been renamed to Streaming metrics. It now includes more detailed information and allows you to expand and drill into each dashboard tile. Tiles are now split by table so that you can track metrics per stream (id: 62013, 61679)

Expand tile to view detailed metrics

Detailed query metrics are now available in a dedicated data cube. To access the Detailed Query Metrics data cube, go to the User queries page and click the Expand tile button on any tile (id: 61724)

Detailed query metrics

Other improvements



  • You can now specify one or more intervals and an optional period when configuring cache and retention policies (id: 41768)
  • Streaming parse exceptions now include the column's name (id: 60231)
  • The Source field of the Job details dialog now displays All objects if an entire S3 bucket is selected for ingestion (id: 61884)
  • You can now group by complex columns, such as JSON (id: 60440)


  • Improved the accuracy of the Queries executed panel on the User queries page and the Total Queries measure on the Detailed metrics page (id: 61892)


  • Fixed an issue where switching to the JSON job spec in the ingestion flow before selecting a target table resulted in an error message (id: 60133)
  • Fixed an issue where changing the Y-axis title in the multi-axis line chart displayed the new title alongside the old one (id: 61555)
  • Fixed an issue where alerts and reports stopped running after Polaris restarted the service responsible for coordinating distributed systems (id: 61954)
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't edit or remove newly created columns while ingesting to a table that has data (id: 61703)
  • Fixed the Get embedding links endpoint to include the viewDescription property in its response (id: 61853)
  • Fixed an issue where filters weren't applied to off-screen dashboard tiles (id: 61722)
  • Fixed an issue where the table visualization incorrectly displayed "Other" values (id: 61704)
  • Fixed a problem rendering table visualizations with a comparison by removing comparison sorts, sort by delta, and sort by percent (id: 62176)

June 26, 2024

Late June 2024 release | Polaris version f6f3d662

Azure Marketplace

You can now sign up for a Polaris account through Azure Marketplace (id: 36112)

Collections v1 API improvements

You must now specify the assetType when you remove an asset from a collection or favorites. The old endpoints are now deprecated and will be removed by the end of September 2024.

New endpoints:

  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/collections/{id}/assets/{assetType}/{assetId} removes a specified asset from a collection.
  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/favorites/{assetType}/{assetId} removes a specified asset from the authenticated user's favorites.

Deprecated endpoints:

  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/collections/{id}/assets/{assetId}
  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/favorites/{assetId}

See Collections v1 API for more information (id: 60863)

Other improvements


  • The auto kill feature is now enabled for all projects. This feature helps clean up data after the 30-day grace period discussed in Restore or permanently delete data. Auto kill was previously enabled for most projects (id: 61789)


  • When ingesting into a flexible table, you can override the table's partitioning and clustering in the ingestion job itself (id: 39725)
  • You no longer need to declare columns before using them for clustering (id: 39725)
  • Polaris now also supports ingestion from Azure Blob Storage for projects hosted on AWS (id: 61848)


  • Added a new Distinct Hosts measure to the Server metrics data cube. After updating to Polaris version f6f3d662, Distinct Hosts measure will include historical data (id: 60619)
  • Added a new set of CPU and memory usage metrics to the Server metrics data cube (id: 61392)


June 17, 2024

Azure GA | Polaris version f05d1f17

Polaris on Azure GA

Polaris on Azure is now generally available.

Note that if you subscribe to Polaris through the AWS marketplace, the Azure cloud option is not available.

Azure Germany West Central region

You can now deploy Polaris projects in the Azure Germany West Central region, germanywestcentral. For more information, see Cloud providers and regions (id: 40971)


SAS token authentication for Azure Blob Storage connections no longer requires the write permission (id: 61371)

June 12, 2024

Mid-June 2024 release | Polaris version 75961ecc

Multi-axis line chart visualization (beta)

The new multi-axis line chart visualization is optimized for the display of multiple axesyou can display up to 10 measures on a single chart. To enable this beta feature, contact Polaris support. Once enabled, you can continue to access the original line chart as well (id: 39612)

Delete and recover data by version

You can now manage deleted data by versions in the UI. For example, if you have three versions of deleted data for a given interval and your table doesn't already contain data for that interval, you can restore any of the three deleted versions (id: 60870)

Enhanced schema editing

You can now use IP address and IP prefix data types when editing your schema using the UI. For more details, see Data types (id: 61027)

Window functions in custom measures

You can now use window functions when defining custom measures in data cubes. See Custom measure examples for details (id: 41427)

In the Embedding links v1 API you can now use enableDownloads and enableAsyncDownloads to set the download properties of embedded visualizations (id: 61141)

Other improvements


  • Improved the user experience for time range truncation in line chart visualizations when using a non-UTC timezone (id: 61173)
  • Improved how the Embedding links v1 API validates download limit and filter clauses (id: 61143)


  • Added the option to replace all data in the UI (id: 38969)
  • Improved error messages for Protobuf and Avro key input formats (id: 60786)


  • Fixed an issue where downloads from the records table visualization failed (id: 61396)
  • Fixed an issue with sorting by Added measure in some visualizations (id: 61359)
  • Fixed an issue where attempting a table-to-table ingestion job immediately after populating a flexible table showed a cached version of the source table in the UI, omitting the newly added columns (id: 60945)
  • Fixed an issue where the All rows limit was incorrectly interpreted as the current setting in a flat table visualization (id: 61045)
  • Fixed an issue with non-filterable and non-showable dimensions not working when editing embedding links (id: 61142)
  • Corrected the reference type definition for defaultFacetSplits in the Data cubes v1 API payload schema (id: 61039)

June 3, 2024

Azure beta | Polaris version 7fabd8ff

Polaris on Azure (beta) is now available to all customers. You can now select Azure as a cloud provider when creating a project.

May 29, 2024

Late May 2024 release | Polaris version 7fabd8ff

You can now establish a unidirectional secure connection from your Azure virtual network (VNet) to Imply Polaris over a private endpoint using Azure Private Link to query and publish data.

When you query the Polaris endpoints through Azure Private Link, traffic between your Azure VNet and Polaris travels the Microsoft backbone network and doesn't traverse the public internet. For more information, see Azure Private Link for querying and publishing data (id: 38954)

Replace all mode for batch jobs

When replacing data using the Polaris API, you can now include the replaceAll parameter to replace all data in the table. Previously, time intervals were required for data replacement jobs (id: 41716)

Other improvements


  • Improved layout of billing UI (id: 60662)


  • If you change the time zone in a data cube's settings, you can now apply the same time zone the next time you access the data cubeas either a one-time or persistent change (id: 39603)
  • The View raw data option in a data cube now opens the query in SQL view for all visualizations (id: 60544)
  • You can now add pinnedDimensions as a query parameter in a Polaris URL to pin a specified dimension to the side barfor example:
    (id: 60664)


  • You can now switch an S3 connection between different authentication types (id: 60294)
  • Step 3 of the Insert data flow now contains a link to the SQL filter documentation (id: 42736)
  • Improved the user experience of configuring a Kafka connection (id: 60739)


  • Added the Datacube dimension to Detailed metrics (id: 60914)


  • Fixed an error when navigating from the records or records table visualizations to the overall visualization (id: 60787)
  • Fixed an issue with enabling and disabling non-showable and non-filterable dimensions in embedding links (id: 61142)
  • Fixed an issue with intervals not being displayed for replace data jobs (id: 42236)
  • Fixed an issue with the Download button missing from embedded flat table visualizations (id: 60509)
  • Fixed an issue with the Parse Kafka metadata toggle not working for CSV and TSV formats (id: 61063)
  • Fixed an error caused by null job source URIs (id: 61137)
  • Fixed a timeout exception when listing Azure objects (id: 60691)
  • Fixed an issue with the table detail view failing to render when parsing invalid time columns (id: 60747)
  • Fixed an issue where alert creation fails when the first data cube in the list is missing a primary time dimension (id: 40948)
  • Fixed an issue where calling GET /dashboards/{id} with default filters returns filters with name properties instead of id properties, causing them to fail a validation check upon re-sending (id: 61094)
  • Fixed an issue in the UI that prevented column edits in an ingestion job when the input data contains __time (id: 60843)
  • Fixed an issue with query failures during Polaris project upgrades (id: 60925)
  • Fixed ability to add and edit dimensions in Detailed metrics which is a read-only view (id: 60320)

May 8, 2024

Early May 2024 release | Polaris version f0de541f

Administrative events

Polaris audit logs now include administrative events. You can view administrative actions performed on your Polaris account, including who performed the action and when. See Administrative events for more information (id: 41684)

Manage specific versions of soft deleted data

If you have multiple versions of soft deleted data for a given time interval, you can now use the API to restore or permanently delete a specific version of the data. For example, if you replaced data multiple times for January 2024, you may want to restore an older version of the data rather than the most recently deleted one. Polaris may generate different versions of data when you perform a replace job or when you soft delete data (manually or by a retention policy) and reingest into that interval.

For more information, see Restore an older version of data that's in use and Permanently delete data by time interval and version (id: 60654)

Other improvements


  • Improved layout of project management UI (id: 60135)


  • Added a warning to data cube downloads with a large time filter (id: 60445)
  • Added All rows option to the Enable downloads configuration for embedding links (id: 43129)
  • Improved the flat table, gauge, time series, and overall (explore) visualizations to allow users to drag-and-drop dimensions, measures, and comparisons into the visualization. This functionality is already available in other visualizations (id: 60621)
  • Improved the experience of switching from the overall visualization to the overall (explore) visualization (id: 60607)
  • Improved performance when creating restricted embedding links (id: 60676)


  • Added option to specify input format and key schema for Protobuf and Avro data (id: 60639)


  • Fixed ability to set multiple time ranges in visualizations (id: 60502)
  • Fixed a problem with downloading data from a records table visualization (id: 41415)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the All rows async download option from working in the records table visualization (id: 60110)
  • Fixed missing parse metadata options in the UI when ingesting from Azure Blob Storage (id: 60241)
  • Fixed optional SAS token in Azure Blob Storage connections (id: 60297)
  • Fixed saving retention rules when set from the tables list (id: 42449)
  • Fixed ingestion being blocked on fully uploaded files when another file upload is in progress (id: 41532)
  • Fixed switching to native query tab causing the SQL IDE to crash (id: 60671)
  • Fixed handling JSON source columns in table-to-table ingestion jobs (id: 60401)
  • Fixed a problem with opening a report from a report notification email (id: 60229)
  • Fixed a problem with embedding links when switching between the overall visualization and the overall (explore) visualization (id: 60649)
  • Fixed report owner's inability to see a report when they are removed from the recipients list (id: 42841)
  • Fixed missing async download options from embedding links feature (id: 60836)
  • Fixed a problem with the overall (explore) visualization when using a LONG column as primary time dimension (id: 43293)
  • Fixed crash when opening restricted embed links a second time (id: 60676)

April 24, 2024

Late April 2024 release | Polaris version 9401d804

Restore or permanently delete data

Polaris now supports a soft delete option through the UI or API. Soft deleted data can be restored within a 30 day grace period. Note that Imply reserves the right to delete data before the 30 day grace period is up if necessary. The default deletion method through the API is still to permanently delete data. Include "softDelete": True in your payload to soft delete data.

After you soft delete data or your data expires based on the retention period, you can restore the deleted data using the UI or API (id: 40088)

Intervals for retention and precache policies

You can now use intervals or intervals with an additional ISO 8601 duration when you define your retention and precache policies through the API. For more information, see Set a storage policy by API.

Access keys for S3

Using access keys to authenticate S3 connections is now generally available (id: 39243)

Other improvements


  • Improved the UI for cases when a project is not in a running state (id: 40659)
  • Improved the New project dialog (id: 60139)


  • You can now configure an embedding link to allow users to download All rows (id: 43129)
  • Improved custom date time formatting (id: 40619)


  • You can now specify a parse schema for Avro and Protobuf keys in the Polaris UI (id: 43071)
  • Improved the performance of Tables and Jobs APIs when a project has a large number of tables. This also improves the performance of the table list and SQL editor in the Polaris UI (id: 60283)


  • Improved the user experience of configuring an IP allowlist (id: 60312)


  • Fixed an issue where dashboards with mixed tile types didn't apply filters to some visualizations (id: 41787)
  • Fixed an issue with removing late message rejection period in the UI (id: 56025)
  • Fixed an issue where hiding the overall option for a column dimension also hid the dimension name (id: 40649)
  • Fixed an issue where the ingestion wizard displayed an error if you entered and then removed text from the Protobuf message type field (id: 60305)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the All rows async download option from working in the records table visualization (id: 60110)
  • Fixed an issue with alert webhook URLs missing protocol (id: 60383)
  • Fixed an issue when creating embedded visualizations with the API (id: 43281)

April 10, 2024

Early April 2024 release | Polaris version 40796e41

Imply Polaris on Microsoft Azure (beta)

Polaris on Azure is a beta feature available to select customers. For information about joining the beta, contact Polaris support

Once you join the beta program, you can deploy Polaris projects in the Azure East US region. The beta also enables batch ingestion from Azure Blob Storage and streaming ingestion from Apache Kafka on Azure Event Hubs. These capabilities are in addition to existing support for batch ingestion from files, tables, and Amazon S3, and streaming ingestion from Confluent Cloud and Apache Kafka (id: 38029)

A guide for ingesting data from Azure Blob Storage by API is coming at a later date. For now, you can use the sample request in the S3 ingestion guide to create a batch ingestion job from Azure, with the following changes:

  • Change source.type from s3 to azure
  • Set connectionName to an Azure connection
  • If your source uses uris, change s3:// to azureStorage:// for each item in uris

Other improvements


  • You can now download the maximum number of rows permitted by your permission through an embedded link. When there are no restrictions on the data cube, users with the AccessDownloadLargeData permission can download all rows. When restrictions are present, users with the AccessDownloadLargeData permission see download limits smaller than or equal to the limit on the data cube. Users with the AccessDownloadData permission see the download limits less than or equal to 5000 or the configured fast download threshold (id: 43129)
  • You can now use asymmetric number range filters with flat table, gauge, time series, and overall (explore) visualizations (id: 58507)
  • Added persistence to query cache and approximate queries settings (id: 43251)
  • Added FilterWithRegex permission which allows users to use the regex filter for string dimensions (id: 42840)


  • Polaris now shows an error message when a job is submitted with an empty string for an input expression (id: 42757)


  • Changed the icon and renamed Server to Server metrics in the monitoring UI (id: 60205)


  • Fixed an issue where any timezone information added under the Time settings section of the __time column was omitted from sampling requests in the Polaris UI (id: 42936, 42886)
  • Fixed an issue where unavailable or partially available tables were reported as available in the Polaris UI (id: 40093)
  • Fixed an issue with table columns not respecting the time format (id: 43181)
  • Fixed an issue with timestamps not formatted in flat table async downloads (id: 42922)
  • Fixed an issue where dashboard filters reset from Greater than or equal and Less than or equal to Greater than and Less than (id: 40777)
  • Fixed an issue with the street map visualization including all data cube Latitude/Longitude dimensions, even the ones not in the visualization (id: 58505)
  • Fixed an issue with the line chart visualization causing dashboards to crash (id: 58506)
  • Fixed an issue with the y-axis extending above the line chart visualization boundary for very small values (id: 43300)
  • Fixed an issue where users were not redirected to the Alerts page after deleting an alert (id: 60160)
  • Fixed an issue where flexible tables didn't declare new columns if clustering columns were present (id: 58511)
  • Fixed an issue where the average Kinesis lag in the Streaming monitoring tab was being reported incorrectly (id: 60145)

March 27, 2024

Late March 2024 release | Polaris version 0df7af44

IP allowlist

You can now configure a network policy to control API access to your Polaris projects using the Network policy API. The only supported type of network policy is IP allowlist. For information on how to configure a network policy using the API, see Set a network policy by API. For information on how to set a network policy in the Polaris UI, see IP allowlist.

Imply must enable this feature for you. Contact Imply Polaris support for more information (id: 34075)

Data cube query API change

In the Data cube query API, the MEASURE_BY_NAME and DIMENSION_BY_NAME functions have been replaced by MEASURE_BY_ID and DIMENSION_BY_ID. This is not a breaking change. The behavior remains the same and the old functions still work. We recommend that you use MEASURE_BY_ID and DIMENSION_BY_ID in your API requests going forward (id: 41639)

Other improvements


  • Measures can now reference other measures in flat table, gauge, time series, and overall (explore) visualizations (id: 42973)
  • You can now create an embedding link for flat table, gauge, time series, and overall (explore) visualizations from a data cube (id: 42470)


  • You can now apply the EARLIEST_BY and LATEST_BY aggregations on numeric input fields (id: 41628)
  • You can now provide the Protobuf message type when inserting data in the UI. This ensures that the parser uses the desired schema for processing (id: 42759)
  • Improved the user experience when changing screen sizes (id: 37805)


  • Added the Server page that provides a data cube for monitoring JVM memory and jetty metrics (id: 41698)
  • Added the dimensions Polaris Job Id, Polaris Job Type, Partition, and Query Status to the Detailed metrics data cube (id: 41695)
  • Added the Message Gap measure to the Detailed metrics data cube (id: 43022)


  • Fixed an issue where filtering by a number dimension required both Greater than and Less than fields to have inputs (id: 43253)
  • Fixed an issue with embedding links where non-showable and non-filterable dimensions didn't work as expected for dashboards. Polaris now properly propagates non-showable and non-filterable dimensions to the explore view allowing flat table, gauge, time series, and overall (explore) visualizations to work (id: 43030)
  • Fixed an issue where some measure types were showing up as options on detailed flex tables (id: 42857)
  • Fixed an issue where editing a dashboard tab would take you to the first tab after saving (id: 41367)

March 13, 2024

Mid-March 2024 release | Polaris version 63b8c063

Time series visualization

You can now use time series functions to generate a line or bar chart showing the rate of change in your data. See the Visualizations reference for more information (id: 40670)

Visualize data from table

When you view a table in the Polaris UI you can now click Visualize data to display a sample view of your data as an overall, line chart, or vertical bar chart visualization. You can also create a data cube from the Visualize data dialog (id: 40568)

Other improvements


  • Added permission AccessDownloadAsync to allow users to access the async download (alpha) feature when the feature is enabled for your organization (id: 42274)


  • Added an optional parameter exactResultsOnly to the Data cube query API to perform exact rather than approximate SQL queries (id: 42521)
  • Improved pop-up notifications and errors (ids: 42501, 42500)


  • Improved UI performance when handling rows that contain very large data (id: 41388)
  • You can now change the query granularity to finer granularity than table partitioning in the UI (id: 39454)




  • Fixed a rounding issue in the display of dimensions (id: 42654)
  • Fixed downloads limited to 5,000 rows for flat table, gauge, and overall (explore) visualizations (id: 42600)
  • Fixed failed async downloads producing a truncated file instead of an error (id: 42595)
  • Fixed changes not propagated from flat table data cube to dashboard (id: 42275)
  • Fixed a display issue in the async download feature (id: 42249)
  • Fixed async downloads not working with "previous period" comparisons (id: 42247)
  • Fixed query precision issues (ids: 42227, 42230)
  • Fixed an issue where switching to the SQL code editor in a replace flow takes you to INSERT mode (id: 41908)
  • Fixed lack of indication when data cube is refreshed (id: 40260)

Deprecations and sunsets

The bucketMillis parameter is deprecated

The bucketMillis parameter in the output of the time series object has been deprecated and will be removed at the end of March 2024. Instead of the bucketMillis parameter, use the timeProperties object. It provides more detailed information about the time properties, including bucket period, timezone, and origin.

February 28, 2024

Late February 2024 release | Polaris version e21efcf7

The Embedding links API replaces the Embedding v1 API. (id: 38743)


The Embedding v1 API is now deprecated and will be removed by the end of September 2024. Use the Embedding links API to update your existing embedding links and create embedding links going forward.

Other improvements


  • When you set a data cube's defaults, you can now set the default view to be a gauge, flat table, time series, or overall (explore) visualization (id: 41373)
  • In the table visualization, you can now choose whether or not to display the year in time values (id: 40988)
  • In the advanced data cube options, you can now set the Latest data strategy to Query the latest timestamp from the data source, relative to the latest full day (id: 39634)


  • You can now right click to open Polaris resources in a new tab, including tables, jobs, and certain menu options (id: 41864)
  • Added the response property totalCount to the Files API to return the total number of files when listing all files (id: 41901)


  • You can now monitor Amazon Kinesis lag from the Streaming view of the Monitoring page (id: 40229)


  • Added the MAP_TIMESERIES time series function (id: 41518)
  • Added the PIVOT_LEFT_JOIN function for use when creating data cube dimensions (id: 42193)
  • Improved error message when setting query context (id: 23820)


  • Improved the user experience of updating existing connections to Confluent Cloud (id: 35388)


  • Fixed an issue with filters on expression virtual column indexes incorrectly considering values null in some cases for expressions which translate null values into not null values (id: 42448)
  • Fixed an error when using embedded links to fetch data from another web app (id: 42273)
  • Fixed an issue with sorting by source in the job list (id: 41803)
  • Fixed Polaris showing an error for some time comparisons in a data cube (id: 41013)
  • Fixed an issue where filters and shown dimensions and measures were not preserved when switching to some visualization types (id: 41059)

Deprecations and sunsets

Embedding API

The Embedding v1 API has been deprecated and will be removed by the end of September 2024. Use the Embedding links API to update your existing embedding links and create embedding links going forward.

February 13, 2024

Mid-February 2024 release | Polaris version ffe71477

Analytics APIs

You can now use the following APIs to create and manage Polaris assets:

New overall visualization (beta)

A new overall visualization includes a trend line and an updated properties panel.

To enable this beta feature, contact Polaris support. Once enabled, the new overall visualization replaces the standard overall visualization. See Visualizations reference for more information. (ids: 40562, 41090)

Time series functions (beta)

The time series functions feature has been promoted to beta.

Additionally, improved the feature as follows:

  • Renamed the existing SUM_TIMESERIES function to SUM_OVER_TIMESERIES
  • Added new TIMESERIES and SUM_TIMESERIES aggregator functions
  • Added new time series processing functions

See Time series functions for more information. (id: 41518)

Other improvements


  • Added a progress bar to async downloads UI (id: 41229)
  • Improved error handling for ingestion jobs (id: 38453)
  • Improved error messages when mapping a source to a table (id: 37695)


  • Improved query fetch operations to reduce the likelihood of timeouts (id: 41570)


  • Fixed discrepancies when applying custom UI colors (id: 40266)
  • Fixed an issue with the records visualization not supporting async download (id: 41289)
  • Fixed a display issue with undeclared columns (id: 40318)
  • Fixed certain failures when a drop table job fails (id: 41618)
  • Fixed an issue with populating the Amazon S3 ingestion dialog (id: 39087)
  • Fixed an issue when duplicating a dimension as a measure (id: 39500)
  • Fixed an issue with displaying column filters (id: 38468)
  • Fixed an issue with filtering on a dimension with Set/String type that contains nulls (id: 41459)
  • Fixed an issue with the Insert data UI ignoring the second timestamp column when there are multiple candidates in the sampler (id: 41794)
  • Fixed an issue with the Insert data UI attempting to save the table with an empty schema when switching to SQL editor without choosing any input sources (id: 41912)
  • Fixed an issue with detail tables missing the dimension icon in column headers (id: 40845)

February 9, 2024

Early February hotfix | Polaris version e2797837


  • Fixed an issue where DataSketches HLL sketches would erroneously be considered empty. For details, see the following Imply Knowledge Base article (id: 41916)
  • Fixed an issue with the handling of NULL array elements with MV_CONTAINS and MV_OVERLAP

January 30, 2024

Late January 2024 release | Polaris version 837a89bf

Polaris version identifier

You can access the version identifier for your project through the Polaris UI or the Projects API. (id: 32810, 40902)

EARLIEST and LATEST functions

You can use EARLIEST and LATEST aggregation functions on numeric types in ingestion queries. (id: 40615)

Audit logs

Polaris now logs user authentication events. You can use audit logs to detect anomalous activities and investigate potential misuse of privileges or security incidents. Users with the AccessAuditLogs permission can access audit logs through the Polaris UI or the Audit API. (id: 17543)

Other improvements


  • Improved the overall visualization by adding a properties panel to the right side of the page and updating property labels and descriptions (ids: 40562, 41090)
  • Improved time filter handling in dashboard tiles (id: 41171)
  • Improved the display of comparison values in visualizations, by adding the ability to sort by delta and percentage (id: 38539)


  • Improved the UI for table-to-table ingestion by hiding buttons related to adding inputs (id: 37671)



  • Improved the UI for cases where no projects are available, either because an organization doesn't have any projects or a user lacks the necessary permissions (id: 40478)
  • Improved the UI for creating your first project in Polaris (id: 40477)


  • Fixed an issue with the records visualization not supporting async download (id: 41289)
  • Fixed an issue with the embedding visualizations feature where the data cube view setup page was displaying only some visualizations (id: 41095)
  • Fixed an issue where the flat table visualization was only accepting time bucketing by PT1M (id: 40953)
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect time bucket label was displayed for the America/Mexico_City timezone during Daylight Saving Time (DST) (id: 39749)
  • Fixed an issue with time filters in dashboard tiles (id: 41171)
  • Fixed an issue with the More link in the data cube header (id: 40815)
  • Fixed text wrapping issue with long error message in ingestion wizard (id: 37695)
  • Fixed missing S3 description in connection details dialog in ingestion wizard (id: 39087)

January 17, 2024

Mid-January 2024 release

Added system fields to input sources

Polaris now supports ingesting data from system fields, including S3 metadata for an object’s URI, bucket name, and key. This allows for easier ingestion of metadata from batch sources. For example, if you ingest data from an S3 object with the URI s3://bucket-name/file.json.gz, you can include a column in the table for bucket-name, a column for file.json.gz, and a column for s3://bucket-name/file.json.gz. For more information, see Ingest object metadata. (id: 40064)

Project capacity warning

Added a warning icon to the project selector drop-down that signals when a project reaches capacity. This can help you scale up to a bigger project size or prompt you to delete underused data and tables. (id: 40479)

Import and export data cube and dashboard definitions

You can now manually import and export JSON definitions for data cubes and dashboards. This can be useful to move data cubes and dashboards between projects and to create manual backups. See Manage data cubes and Dashboards overview for more information. (id: 39610)


Polaris now supports SQL PIVOT and UNPIVOT operators. (id: 37598)

The PIVOT operator carries out an aggregation and transforms rows into columns in the output. The following is the general syntax for the PIVOT operator:

PIVOT (aggregation_function(column_to_aggregate)
FOR column_with_values_to_pivot
IN (pivoted_column1 [, pivoted_column2 ...])

The UNPIVOT operator transforms existing column values into rows. The following is the general syntax for the UNPIVOT operator:

UNPIVOT (values_column
FOR names_column
IN (unpivoted_column1 [, unpivoted_column2 ... ])

Other improvements


  • Added the Project info dialog to the project selector (id: 40099)
  • Improved the Usage and Billing > Usage tab by adding cloud provider information to the View details dialog and creating collapsible sections for each project (id: 40100)


  • Added the ability to sort table data by dimension by clicking the dimension column header (id: 31363)


  • Added the ability to save a measure when the preview query fails (id: 38763)


  • Fixed an issue where dimensions with periods in their IDs were displaying as undefined in the records table visualization (id: 41009)
  • Fixed an issue where column changes weren't saved in the browser session (id: 39865)
  • Fixed an issue where the input field mapped to __time was ingested as its own column (id: 37550)
  • Fixed an issue with the flat table visualization where reloading the Explore view reset the filter to the default (id: 40339)
  • Fixed an issue where visualization for new data cubes was set to None instead of Overall (id: 40663)
  • Fixed an issue where clicking a checkbox in the Engine drop-down didn't toggle the state (id: 40617)
  • Fixed an issue where user profiles couldn't be accessed if the project wasn't in an active state (id:40636)
  • Fixed an issue with the Percent of root measure causing downloads from deep storage to fail (id: 40673)
  • Fixed an issue where users were redirected to the Home view when their session expired instead of resuming on the same page after logging in (id: 40843)
  • Fixed an issue where exporting data for a data cube would fail if it referenced a measure that had been removed (id: 40565)
  • Fixed an issue with the SQL editor where updating a table would also change the table's partitioning granularity to day (id: 40932)