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About Imply administration

The Imply Manager is a web-based console for managing and monitoring an Imply deployment. From the Imply Manager, you can update, deploy, and scale Druid clusters. You can also load extensions, view logs, and update machine settings for the cluster.

Some differences exist in administration and the role of the Imply Manager between Imply Hybrid (formerly Imply Cloud) and Imply Enterprise (formerly Imply Private), Imply's distribution of Apache Druid® intended for on-premises deployments. For instance, in Imply Hybrid, you can use the Imply Manager to configure users for the Manager and Pivot. In on-premises you manage Imply Manager and Pivot users separately. In either case, the Imply Manager serves as the central administration point for the deployment.

Imply is available in unmanaged form as well, as described in manual deployment process. The Druid Operations documentation here provides information that may be useful for administering an unmanaged deployment. However, unmanaged deployments are not recommended.