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Imply Polaris release notes

These release notes provide information about the latest features, improvements, and fixes for Imply Polaris.
For older release notes, see the archive.
For information about Imply Enterprise, see Imply Enterprise and Hybrid release notes.
For a comprehensive list of deprecated and sunset features, refer to Deprecations and sunsets.

Polaris version

The release notes for Polaris are organized by release date. It may take a few days from the release date for the new Polaris version to become available for your projects.

You can verify the current Polaris version identifier for your projects in the Polaris UI or the Projects API.

February 25, 2025

February release | Polaris version c7d28a59

Visualization improvements

  • If you display multiple lines on a multi-axis line chart, you can now choose to stack the results. You can also select solid or gradient fill color (id: 65150)
  • You can now customize colours in the time series and bar chart explore visualizations (ids: 65148, 65149)
  • You can now use the Copy query URL button in the SQL workbench to copy an active query to your clipboard (id: 65012)

Other improvements

  • Detailed metrics now includes a new metric: ingest/input/bytes. This metric shows the combined size, in bytes, of inputs Polaris reads for streaming ingestion (id: 32141)


  • Fixed a problem displaying alert severity when using the search bar on the Alerts page (id: 65475)

January 27, 2025

Azure West US 2 region

You can now deploy Polaris projects in the Azure West US 2 region, westus2. For more information, see Cloud providers and regions (id: 64425)

January 22, 2025

Late January release | Polaris version 46a80039

Improvements to time series visualization

Improved the time series visualization:

  • You can now set the maximum number of entries to allow in a time series visualization, to override the default of 500,000.
    See Managing data cubes for more details.
    (id: 64722)
  • The time series visualization now supports the following aggregation methods, which allows it to handle a large volume of data more efficiently:
    • Downsampled sum
    • Downsampled min
    • Downsampled max
      (id: 64746)

Cancel a query in SQL workbench

You can now cancel a query in the SQL workbench (id: 64919)

Usage analytics (beta)

The usage analytics feature provides data on Polaris usage including daily active users, data cube and dashboard activity, and report and alert creation.

To enable this beta feature, contact Polaris support. Once the feature is enabled, click Usage in the Monitoring section of the menu pane to access it (id: 62512)

Other improvements



  • Fixed a problem with Polaris handling empty values for task and datasource conditions (id: 64251)
  • Fixed a problem with paused tasks during Kubernetes-based ingestion (id: 64344)
  • Fixed a problem with multiple projects containing connections with the same name (id: 64770)
  • Fixed a problem where streaming tasks that ran longer than their scheduled duration could reject data (id: 64334)
  • Fixed a problem where detailed metrics didn't show ingest/input/bytes for streaming tasks when navigating from Usage and Billing (id: 65006)

Deprecations and sunsets

This section provides information about deprecated and sunset features.


Deprecated features continue to be available but receive no ongoing maintenance or additional support.

Flatten spec API field

The flattenSpec API field in ingestion jobs is now deprecated. This field will continue to be supported indefinitely for backwards compatibility. However, Imply recommends the use of JSON columns and the JSON_VALUE and related functions instead of flattenSpec.

Collections v1 API endpoints

The following Collections v1 API endpoints to remove an asset from a collection or favorites have been deprecated and removed:

  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/collections/{id}/assets/{assetId}
  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/favorites/{assetId}

Update your requests to use the following replacement endpoints:

  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/collections/{id}/assets/{assetType}/{assetId}
  • DELETE /v1/projects/{projectId}/favorites/{assetType}/{assetId}

Apache Druid two-value logic for native filters removed

Polaris now uses the following ANSI SQL-compliant behavior:

  • Polaris differentiates between empty records and null records. For example, for queries evaluating x is not equal to 'some value', Polaris includes all rows not matching "x='some value'" but excludes null values.
  • Polaris stores boolean values as 0 or 1.
  • Polaris uses SQL three-valued logic for native query filters: true, false, and unknown.

bucketMillis time series parameter

The bucketMillis parameter in the output of the time series object has been deprecated and removed. Use the timeProperties object instead. timeProperties provides more detailed information about the time properties, including bucket period, timezone, and origin.

Embedding v1 API

The Embedding v1 API has been deprecated and removed. Use the Embedding links API to update your existing embedding links and create embedding links.

Project-less regional API resources

Project-less regional API resources have been deprecated and removed. You must include the project ID in the base URL for all regional API calls in projects created after September 2023.

Update your requests to the following APIs to include the project ID in the URL:

  • /v0/pivot/api/v1/embed is deprecated. Use /v0/projects/PROJECT_ID/pivot/api/v1/embed instead.
  • /v1/events/CONNECTION_NAME is deprecated. Use /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/events/CONNECTION_NAME instead.
  • /v1/files is deprecated. Use /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/files instead.

For detailed instructions on how to migrate to new API resources, see the migration guide for deprecated APIs.

API v2 version identifier

All API requests must reference the v1 version identifier in the URL path, even if the previous API version had a higher version identifier.

Update your requests to the following APIs to use the v1 version identifier and include the project ID in the URL:

  • /v2/connections is deprecated. Use /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/connections instead.
  • /v2/jobs is deprecated. Use /v1/project/PROJECT_ID/jobs instead.
  • /v2/tables is deprecated. Use /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/tables instead.

Support for v2 APIs has been removed. For detailed instructions on how to migrate to new API resources, see the migration guide for deprecated APIs.

Project API

The Project v1 API has been deprecated and removed. Use the Projects v1 API instead.

Project-less JDBC connection string

Applications that integrate with Polaris using JDBC, including BI tools such as Tableau and Looker, must specify the project ID in the connection URL. Support for previously established JDBC connections has been removed. For information on how to update your connection string, see the migration guide for deprecated APIs.

Files API query parameters

The following Files API query parameters are now deprecated: cont, limit, and pattern. Imply recommends using paginationOffset, paginationLimit, and searchString query parameters instead.

Even though Polaris does not currently enforce a limit to the number of files returned for the GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/files API call, Imply will enforce a limit in the future. Verify your usage of the GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/files API call and use the paginationOffset, paginationLimit, and searchString query parameters to limit the number of files returned in the response.

Week time partitioning granularity

The week time partitioning granularity is deprecated. Polaris no longer supports week partitioning for new tables or changing time partitioning to week for existing tables. Imply recommends using hour, day, or month partitioning instead. The week partitioning does not properly align with other segment sizes, causing occasional bugs.


The following features have been phased out and removed from Polaris.

Tables API properties

Removed the following deprecated properties on API tables objects:

  • createdBy. Use createdByUser instead.
  • createdTimestamp. Use createdOnTimestamp instead.
  • lastModifiedBy. Use modifiedByUser instead.
  • lastUpdateTimestamp. Use modifiedOnTimestamp instead.