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Imply Hybrid overview

Imply Hybrid (formerly Imply Cloud) gives you the easiest way to get started and grow with Imply.

With Imply Hybrid, Imply is deployed completely within your own AWS account, using a dedicated virtual private network (VPC). This gives you full control over your machines and your data. Imply hosts the control plane (for example, Imply Manager) for your cluster in a separate VPC within Imply's account. The VPC created in your AWS account is linked through a peering connection with the Manager VPC in Imply's account.


More information

The Imply Manager is the central administration point for your Imply Hybrid deployment. You can use it to create and configure Imply clusters. For more information on Imply Manager, see Using Imply Manager.

For more information about security, see Imply Hybrid security.

Imply Hybrid instance types

This section lists the instance types available for Imply cluster server instances, by node type. For more information about machine sizing, see planning.

Keep in mind that not every instance type is available in every region. Refer to the UI for the list of instances that are available to you.

For more information about the instance types, see the AWS documentation on instance types.

Master nodes

Node typevCPURAMDisk spaceNote
t2.small1 vCPU2 GB RAM8 GB disknot recommended for production
m4.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM16 GB disk
m5.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM16 GB disk
m5.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM24 GB disk
m4.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM40 GB disk
m5.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM40 GB disk
m4.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM70 GB disk
m5.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM70 GB disk
r5.large2 vCPU16 GB RAM24 GB disk
r5.xlarge4 vCPU32 GB RAM40 GB disk
r5.2xlarge8 vCPU64 GB RAM70 GB disk
m6g.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM16 GB disk
m6g.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM24 GB disk
m6g.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM40 GB disk
m6g.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM70 GB disk
m7g.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM40 GB disksee Use launch templates

Query nodes

Node typevCPURAMDisk spaceNote
t2.small1 vCPU2 GB RAM8 GB disknot recommended for production
m4.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM12 GB disk
m4.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM25 GB disk
m5.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM12 GB disk
m5d.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM75 GB disk
m5.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM20 GB disk
m5d.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM150 GB disk
c5.large2 vCPU4 GB RAM12 GB disk
c5.xlarge4 vCPU8 GB RAM12 GB disk
c5.2xlarge8 vCPU16 GB RAM16 GB disk
c5.4xlarge16 vCPU32 GB RAM20 GB disk
c5.9xlarge36 vCPU72 GB RAM36 GB disk
c6g.xlarge4 vCPU8 GB RAM12 GB disk
c6g.2xlarge8 vCPU16 GB RAM16 GB disk
c6g.4xlarge16 vCPU32 GB RAM20 GB disk
c6g.8xlarge32 vCPU64 GB RAM36 GB disk
c6g.12xlarge48 vCPU96 GB RAM54 GB disk
m6g.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM12 GB disk
m6g.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM20 GB disk
c7g.4xlarge16 vCPU32 GB RAM20 GB disk
c7g.8xlarge32 vCPU64 GB RAM36 GB disk
c7g.12xlarge48 vCPU96 GB RAM54 GB disk

Data nodes

Node typevCPURAMDisk spaceNote
t2.small1 vCPU2 GB RAM20 GB disknot recommended for production
m4.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM60 GB disk
m5.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM60 GB disk
m5d.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM75 GB disk
m5d.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM150 GB disk
m5d.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM300 GB disk
m5d.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM600 GB disk
m5d.8xlarge32 vCPU128 GB RAM1200 GB disk
m5d.16xlarge64 vCPU256 GB RAM2400 GB disk
m5ad.8xlarge32 vCPU128 GB RAM1200 GB disk
r4.2xlarge8 vCPU61 GB RAM140 GB diskhigh memory
r5d.2xlarge8 vCPU64 GB RAM300 GB diskhigh memory
r5d.4xlarge16 vCPU128 GB RAM600 GB diskhigh memory
r5d.8xlarge32 vCPU256 GB RAM1200 GB diskhigh memory
r5d.24xlarge96 vCPU768 GB RAM3600 GB diskhigh memory
r5d.metal96 vCPU768 GB RAM3600 GB diskhigh memory
i3.xlarge4 vCPU31 GB RAM950 GB disklarge disk
i3.2xlarge8 vCPU61 GB RAM1900 GB disklarge disk
i3.4xlarge16 vCPU122 GB RAM3800 GB diskvery large disk
i3.8xlarge32 vCPU244 GB RAM7600 GB diskvery large disk
i3.metal72 vCPU512 GB RAM15200 GB diskvery large disk
i3en.xlarge4 vCPU32 GB RAM2500 GB diskvery large disk
i3en.2xlarge8 vCPU64 GB RAM5000 GB diskvery large disk
i3en.3xlarge12 vCPU96 GB RAM7500 GB diskvery large disk
i3en.6xlarge24 vCPU192 GB RAM15000 GB diskvery large disk
i3en.12xlarge48 vCPU384 GB RAM30000 GB diskvery large disk
c5.4xlarge16 vCPU32 GB RAM130 GB diskhigh CPU
c5d.4xlarge16 vCPU32 GB RAM400 GB diskhigh CPU
c5.9xlarge36 vCPU72 GB RAM300 GB diskvery high CPU
c5d.9xlarge36 vCPU72 GB RAM900 GB diskvery high CPU
c5ad.2xlarge8 vCPU16 GB RAM300 GB diskhigh CPU
c5ad.4xlarge16 vCPU32 GB RAM600 GB diskhigh CPU
c5ad.8xlarge32 vCPU64 GB RAM1200 GB diskvery high CPU
m6gd.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM474 GB disk
m6gd.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM950 GB disk
m6gd.8xlarge32 vCPU128 GB RAM1900 GB disk
r6gd.2xlarge8 vCPU64 GB RAM474 GB diskhigh memory
r6gd.4xlarge16 vCPU128 GB RAM950 GB diskhigh memory
r6gd.8xlarge32 vCPU256 GB RAM1900 GB diskhigh memory
r6gd.16xlarge64 vCPU512 GB RAM3800 GB diskhigh memory
is4gen.2xlarge8 vCPU48 GB RAM7500 GB diskvery large disk
is4gen.4xlarge16 vCPU96 GB RAM15000 GB diskvery large disk
is4gen.8xlarge32 vCPU192 GB RAM30000 GB diskvery large disk
im4gn.16xlarge64 vCPU256 GB RAM30000 GB diskvery large disk
m6id.large2 vCPU8 GB RAM118 GB disk
m6id.xlarge4 vCPU16 GB RAM237 GB disk
m6id.2xlarge8 vCPU32 GB RAM474 GB disk
m6id.4xlarge16 vCPU64 GB RAM950 GB disk
m6id.8xlarge32 vCPU128 GB RAM1900 GB disk
m6id.16xlarge64 vCPU256 GB RAM3800 GB disk
r7gd.8xlarge32 vCPU256 GB RAM1900 GB diskhigh memorysee Use launch templates
c7gd.8xlarge32 vCPU64 GB RAM1900 GB diskhigh memorysee Use launch templates

Use launch templates

Certain instances types require you to use launch templates to specify instance configuration information. To do this:

  1. Click your user icon in the top right corner of Imply Manager.
  2. Click Master settings.
  3. Select the Account tab.
  4. Under Feature flags, select Use Launch Templates.
  5. Click OK in the pop-up modal after adding the additional required permissions.
  6. Click Save.

Imply Hybrid AWS regions

An Imply account is associated with a single AWS region, and all Imply and related components must reside in that region.

Imply Hybrid supports the following AWS regions:


  • af-south-1 (Capetown)


  • ap-south-1 (Mumbai)
  • ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)
  • ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)
  • ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)
  • ap-northeast-2 (Seoul)


  • eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)
  • eu-central-2 (Switzerland)
  • eu-north-1 (Stockholm)
  • eu-west-1 (Ireland)
  • eu-west-2 (London)
  • eu-west-3 (Paris)

North America

  • ca-central-1 (Central Canada)
  • us-east-1 (N Virginia)
  • us-east-2 (Ohio)
  • us-west-1 (N California)
  • us-west-2 (Oregon)

South America

  • sa-east-1 (Brazil)