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Load Hadoop data via Google Dataproc

This topic describes the steps to set up Hadoop batch indexing for an Imply cluster running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with Google Dataproc.

The processes outlined in this topic use Imply 2023.07, Google Dataproc 2.0, and Hadoop 3.3.3. For the most recent instructions for Dataproc, see the Dataproc documentation.

Find your Imply Manager pod name

You need your Imply Manager pod name to copy the Dataproc configuration files to Imply in a later step. To locate it:

  1. Go to your Google Cloud dashboard and navigate to Kubernetes Clusters.

  2. Click the name of your cluster.

  3. Open the Google Cloud shell terminal and run the following command to find the Manager pod name, for example imply-default-manager-xxxxx-yyyy.

    kubectl get pods
  4. Make a note of the Imply Manager pod name.

Create or configure your Dataproc cluster

If you already have a Dataproc cluster, go to Copy configuration files. To create a Dataproc cluster, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud dashboard, click Clusters in the left pane.

  2. Open the Google Cloud shell terminal and run the following command to create a cluster. Replace cluster-name with the name of the cluster, region-name with the region and X with the number of worker nodes that you want to run in the cluster.

    gcloud dataproc clusters create cluster-name --region-region_name --num-workers=X

    For example:

    gcloud dataproc clusters create test-dataproc --region-us-central1 --num-workers=2
  3. Once Google creates the cluster, it appears in the cluster list in the console. Google creates the cluster with a default bucket.

    You can specify a bucket when you create the cluster, or update it later. See gcloud dataproc clusters in the Google command reference for more information.


You must enable connectivity between your Imply GKE cluster and your Dataproc cluster. You can achieve this if they are both in the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)this allows for internal IP-based communication. Ensure that your firewall rules for both GKE and Dataproc allow the necessary traffic.

Copy configuration files

To copy configuration files from your Dataproc cluster to your Imply cluster:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, click the name of your Dataproc cluster.

  2. Click VM instances.

  3. Click the name of the master instance, for example test-dataproc-m.


  5. Navigate to /etc/hadoop/conf and list the contents, for example:

    Custom files

    Copy the following configuration files to your Imply Manager:

    • hdfs-site.xml
    • mapred-site.xml
    • yarn-site.xml
    • core-site.xml
  6. Run the following command to copy the files, using the Imply Manager pod name you saved earlier. You can find your Dataproc cluster Zone in the Google Cloud console:

    gcloud compute scp dataproc-master:/path/to/source/files/file-name imply-manager-podname:~/ --zone=ZONE

    For example:

    gcloud compute scp dataproc-master:/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml imply-default-manager-xxxxx-yyyy:/mnt/var/user/ --zone=us-central1
  7. Run the following command to copy the gcs-connector.jar file to your Imply Manager:

    gcloud compute scp dataproc-master:/usr/local/share/google/dataproc/lib/gcs-connector.jar imply-manager-podname:~/ --zone=ZONE

    For example:

    gcloud compute scp dataproc-master:/usr/local/share/google/dataproc/lib/gcs-connector.jar imply-default-manager-xxxxx-yyyy:/mnt/var/user/ --zone=us-central1

Note that you could copy the configuration files to a VM as an intermediary step, then copy them from the VM to Imply Manager. This saves you from connecting to the Dataproc master instance again if you want to use the files to configure another Imply cluster.

Configure your Imply GKE cluster

To configure your Imply GKE cluster for Hadoop batch ingesting, follow these steps:

  1. In the Imply console, locate your cluster and click Manage.

  2. Under Custom files, click Add custom file and add the five files you copied earlier:

    Custom files

Sample Hadoop indexing job

The following example demonstrates how to specify the Hadoop configuration in the jobProperties object of the indexing spec.

  1. In the Imply GKE Manager cluster view, click Load data.

  2. Select Batch > Other.

  3. Use the following template to define your indexing spec. Change the dataSource and intervals and update the ioConfig.inputSpec.paths to point to your input file. Update any other relevant fields to match your data.

    Click to see ingestion spec template
    "type": "index_hadoop",
    "spec": {
    "dataSchema": {
    "dataSource": "MY_DATASOURCE",
    "timestampSpec": null,
    "dimensionsSpec": null,
    "metricsSpec": [
    "type": "count",
    "name": "added"
    "granularitySpec": {
    "type": "uniform",
    "segmentGranularity": "DAY",
    "queryGranularity": {
    "type": "none"
    "rollup": true,
    "intervals": ["MY_INTERVAL_EXAMPLE_2017-01-01/2018-01-01"]
    "transformSpec": {
    "filter": null,
    "transforms": []
    "parser": {
    "type": "hadoopyString",
    "parseSpec": {
    "format": "json",
    "timestampSpec": {
    "column": "currentTime",
    "format": "auto"
    "dimensionsSpec": {
    "dimensions": [
    "ioConfig": {
    "type": "hadoop",
    "inputSpec": {
    "type": "static",
    "paths": "gs://bucket/path/MY_FILE.json"
    "metadataUpdateSpec": null,
    "segmentOutputPath": null
    "tuningConfig": {
    "type": "hadoop",
    "workingPath": null,
    "partitionsSpec": {
    "type": "hashed",
    "numShards": null,
    "partitionDimensions": [],
    "partitionFunction": "murmur3_32_abs",
    "maxRowsPerSegment": 20000
    "shardSpecs": {},
    "indexSpec": {
    "bitmap": {
    "type": "roaring"
    "dimensionCompression": "lz4",
    "stringDictionaryEncoding": {
    "type": "utf8"
    "metricCompression": "lz4",
    "longEncoding": "longs"
    "indexSpecForIntermediatePersists": {
    "bitmap": {
    "type": "roaring"
    "dimensionCompression": "lz4",
    "stringDictionaryEncoding": {
    "type": "utf8"
    "metricCompression": "lz4",
    "longEncoding": "longs"
    "appendableIndexSpec": {
    "type": "onheap",
    "preserveExistingMetrics": false
    "maxRowsInMemory": 500000,
    "maxBytesInMemory": 0,
    "leaveIntermediate": false,
    "cleanupOnFailure": true,
    "overwriteFiles": false,
    "ignoreInvalidRows": false,
    "jobProperties": {
    "mapreduce.job.classloader": "true",
    "mapreduce.job.classloader.system.classes": "-javax.el.,org.apache.commons.logging.,org.apache.log4j.,org.apache.hadoop.,",
    "": "yarn"
    "combineText": false,
    "useCombiner": false,
    "numBackgroundPersistThreads": 0,
    "forceExtendableShardSpecs": false,
    "useExplicitVersion": false,
    "allowedHadoopPrefix": [],
    "logParseExceptions": false,
    "maxParseExceptions": 0,
    "useYarnRMJobStatusFallback": true,
    "awaitSegmentAvailabilityTimeoutMillis": 0
    "context": {
    "forceTimeChunkLock": true,
    "useLineageBasedSegmentAllocation": true
    "hadoopDependencyCoordinates": null,
    "classpathPrefix": null,
    "context": {
    "forceTimeChunkLock": true,
    "useLineageBasedSegmentAllocation": true