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Billing structure

Imply Polaris follows a consumption-based pricing model. Polaris tracks usage across the following billing dimensions, each representing a billable unit:

Project size

Polaris meters the number of hours a project is operating as measured at the beginning of the hour. Monthly project size resource consumption is calculated by multiplying the project size list price by the number of hours in the month.

You can choose between starter, series A, and series D project sizes:

  • The starter project size is best suited for functional evaluation of Polaris during trial or proof of concept. It is limited to 25 GB storage capacity, 4 vCPU, and 16 GB memory.
  • Series A are best suited for compute-intensive analytical workloads that power critical business applications.
  • Series D are best suited for storage-intensive production applications with lower cost and moderate performance needs relative to the amount of queryable data.

Series A project sizes

The following table shows series A project sizes:

Project sizeCapacityvCPU allocationMemory
A.01100 GB14 vCPU80 GB RAM
A.02200 GB24 vCPU144 GB RAM
A.04400 GB28 vCPU175 GB RAM
A.08800 GB36 vCPU275 GB RAM
A.121,200 GB64 vCPU450 GB RAM
A.161,600 GB72 vCPU550 GB RAM
A.242,400 GB108 vCPU825 GB RAM
A.323,200 GB144 vCPU1100 GB RAM
A.484,800 GB216 vCPU1650 GB RAM
A.646,400 GB288 vCPU2200 GB RAM
A.969,600 GB440 vCPU3300 GB RAM

Series D project sizes

The following table shows series D project sizes:

Project sizeCapacityvCPU allocationMemory
D.04400 GB8 vCPU48 GB RAM
D.08800 GB12 vCPU80 GB RAM
D.121,200 GB20 vCPU140 GB RAM
D.161,600 GB24 vCPU160 GB RAM
D.242,400 GB30 vCPU210 GB RAM
D.323,200 GB40 vCPU280 GB RAM
D.484,800 GB60 vCPU420 GB RAM
D.646,400 GB80 vCPU560 GB RAM
D.969,600 GB120 vCPU840 GB RAM

If you are unsure of your data usage, sign up for a free trial to ingest and size your data. After you move out of the trial and become a paid customer, you can select from the following default project sizes: starter, A.01, A.02, A.04, A.08, D.04, D.08, D.12. To change to a different project size, contact Imply.

Data ingestion

Polaris ingestion autoscales to meet your needs. You only pay for the raw bytes of data that Polaris processes during ingestion.

Polaris stores ingested data in both cache and deep storage. By default, Polaris caches all data to enable high concurrency and low latency queries. Cached data is pre-loaded into your project and counts towards the project's storage size. It doesn't impact your deep storage costs.

To save costs and conserve resources, especially for less frequently accessed data, you can implement a cache policy that retains data in cache only within a specified time period. Polaris offloads cached data that is outside that period into deep storage automatically. Offloaded data doesn't count towards your project’s storage size but continues to incur deep storage costs. For information on how to set a cache policy, see Offload data from cache.

Polaris measures and bills your monthly consumption of batch and streaming ingestion resources using the following tiered model:

  • First terabyte (1000 GB) in a month.
  • Next 9 terabytes (9000 GB) in a month.
  • Anything over 10 terabytes in a month.

The list price for streaming ingestion is the same irrespective of the streaming ingestion source. For supported streaming ingestion sources, see Ingestion sources.

File storage

Polaris charges you for file storage when you upload files to the staging area for batch ingestion. Monthly file storage consumption is calculated by multiplying the file storage list price by the total volume of data stored (in GB-month).

Learn more

See the following topics for more information: