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Query data in deep storage by API


This is a beta feature. Related APIs are enabled by default for all projects created after July 1, 2024.
If you are running a project created before that time, contact your Polaris support representative to enable access.

Deep storage encompasses all persisted data, including precached and noncached data in Imply Polaris. To query data in deep storage, use the /query/sql/statements endpoint. It returns comprehensive results that also include real-time data. If the data for your query timeframe resides in both cache and deep storage, using the /query/sql endpoint returns results only from precached data.

Polaris queries data in deep storage asynchronously. Asynchronous (async) queries are long running, high latency, and high throughput whereas synchronous queries are short running (highly concurrent) and low latency. Async queries don't return the query results in the same API response. Instead, the response includes a query ID, which you use to check the query's status and retrieve the results. For more information on async queries, see Asynchronous query.

This topic shows you how to query deep storage data asynchronously using the Query API. To submit SQL queries using the SQL workbench in the UI, see Query data. For information on how to write SQL queries, see Druid SQL overview.


You must have an API key with the AccessQueries and ManageIngestionJobs permissions.
In the examples below, the key value is stored in the variable named POLARIS_API_KEY. For information about how to obtain an API key and assign permissions, see API key authentication. For more information on permissions, visit Permissions reference.

Submit a query

To query data in deep storage, send a POST request to /query/sql/statements with a JSON request body containing your query. The request payload supports the same properties as querying precached data.

You can optionally pass the following request parameters:

  • page to fetch results based on page numbers. If not specified, all results are returned sequentially starting from page 0 to N in the same response.
  • resultFormat to defines the format of the results. The default is object. You can choose arrayLines,objectLines,array, and csv.

Sample request

The following example shows how to submit a request to query data in deep storage:

curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $POLARIS_API_KEY" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"query": "SELECT \"country\", AVG(\"session_length\") as \"avg_session_length\" FROM \"Koalas Cache\" GROUP BY \"country\""

Sample response

The following example shows a successful response. The response contains information on the state of the query but does not contain query results. Save the queryId to check the query status and, once finished, retrieve the query results.

"createdAt": "2023-11-29T23:28:49.873Z",
"durationMs": -1,
"job": null,
"queryId": "query-7fdc0212-b3b3-408f-b924-5d54539794d0",
"result": null,
"schema": [
"name": "country",
"type": "VARCHAR",
"nativeType": "STRING"
"name": "avg_session_length",
"type": "DOUBLE",
"nativeType": "DOUBLE"
"state": "ACCEPTED"

Get query status

Send a GET request to /query/sql/statements/QUERY_ID to get the status of the async query. Replace QUERY_ID with the value of queryId in the response to submit the query.

For INSERT and REPLACE async queries, use the Jobs v1 API. For more information, see View and manage jobs by API.

Sample request

The following example shows how to get the status of a request to query data in deep storage:

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $POLARIS_API_KEY"

Sample response

A successful request returns a 200 OK response code and information about the query:

View the response
"createdAt": "2023-11-29T23:28:49.873Z",
"durationMs": 41709,
"job": null,
"queryId": "query-7fdc0212-b3b3-408f-b924-5d54539794d0",
"result": {
"dataSource": "__query_select",
"numTotalRows": 5,
"pages": [
"id": 0,
"numRows": 5,
"sizeInBytes": 340
"resultFormat": null,
"sampleRecords": [
"New Zealand",
"United States",
"totalSizeInBytes": 340
"schema": [
"name": "country",
"type": "VARCHAR",
"nativeType": "STRING"
"name": "avg_session_length",
"type": "DOUBLE",
"nativeType": "DOUBLE"
"state": "SUCCESS"

Get query results

Send a GET request to /query/sql/statements/QUERY_ID/results to get the results of the query. Replace QUERY_ID with the value of queryId in the response to submit the query.

For INSERT and REPLACE async queries, use the Jobs v1 API. For more information, see View and manage jobs by API.

Sample request

The following example shows how to get the results of an async query:

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $POLARIS_API_KEY"

Sample response

A successful request returns a 200 OK response code and the query results:

"country": null,
"avg_session_length": 30069.8
"country": "Brazil",
"avg_session_length": 104299.0
"country": "Canada",
"avg_session_length": 12621.0
"country": "New Zealand",
"avg_session_length": 30901.5
"country": "United States",
"avg_session_length": 20329.166666666668

Cancel a query

Send a DELETE request to /query/sql/statements/QUERY_ID to cancel the query. Replace QUERY_ID with the value of queryId in the response to submit the query.

For INSERT and REPLACE async queries, use the Jobs v1 API. For more information, see View and manage jobs by API.

Sample request

The following example shows how to cancel an async query:

curl --location --request DELETE "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $POLARIS_API_KEY"

Sample response

A successful response returns an HTTP 2xx status code without a response body. An error response returns an HTTP 404 status code with a JSON object that describes the error, such as an invalid query ID.

Learn more

See the following topics for more information: