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Connect to Apache Kafka on Azure Event Hubs

To ingest data from Apache Kafka on Azure Event Hubs into Imply Polaris, create a Kafka connection and use it as the source of an ingestion job. This topic provides reference information specific to Kafka on Event Hubs.

For details on creating the Kafka connection, see Connect to Apache Kafka.


For an end-to-end guide to ingesting from Kafka on Event Hubs into Polaris, see Guide for Apache Kafka on Azure Event Hubs ingestion.


To connect to your Kafka topics on Event Hubs, ensure that your Event Hubs namespace has its Kafka surface set to enabled. This setting is applied by default to the standard pricing tier of Event Hubs. It is not supported by the basic tier.

Connection information

The details required for a Kafka connection are described in Connect to Apache Kafka.


On Event Hubs, create a shared access policy from the settings of the Event Hubs instance. Authorize Listen rights for Polaris to receive messages.

For the connection in Polaris, select the SASL/PLAIN authentication mechanism.

  • For the username, enter $ConnectionString.
  • The password is the connection string of the Event Hubs namespace. For example, Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=SAS_POLICY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME.

Learn more

For an end-to-end guide on the process outlined in this topic, see Guide for Apache Kafka on Azure Event Hubs ingestion.