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Metrics reference

You can use the Imply Polaris Metrics export API to emit ingestion and query performance metrics into third-party monitoring tools.

Polaris exports the following types of metrics. For more information on metric types, refer to the official OpenMetrics documentation.

  • Gauge: Measurement that can increase, decrease, or stay constant over time.
  • Summary: Measurement used to sample observations, such as request duration and response sizes.

This topic contains a list of performance metrics and their labels available in the Metrics export API.


A label is a key-value attribute of a metric. Labels differentiate the characteristics of the resource that is being measured.

All Polaris metrics expose the following labels:

  • project_id: The unique identifier for the project.
  • region: The deployment region of the project for which metrics are being exposed.

Some metrics may expose the following additional labels:

  • job_id: ID of the ingestion job.
  • quantile: Quantile measurement, where 0.5 is the median, 0.98 corresponds to the 98th percentile, and +Inf correspond to the maximum value of the metric.
  • table: Table that the metric applies to.
  • tables: List of queried tables that the metric applies to.
  • type: Type of ingestion.
  • native_query_type: Type of the native query. For available native query types, see Available queries.

Streaming ingestion metrics

This section describes the metrics Polaris emits for Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, and push streaming ingestion jobs.


The number of streaming ingestion jobs.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table, type


The number of events successfully processed during streaming ingestion.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table, type, job_id


The number of events rejected during streaming ingestion because the events are either null, filtered out, or outside the retention period.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table, type, job_id


The number of events rejected during streaming ingestion because the events are unparseable.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table, type, job_id

Kafka ingestion

Polaris emits the following streaming ingestion metric for Apache Kafka.


The total lag between the offsets consumed by the Kafka streaming job and offsets in the Kafka topic across all partitions.

The lag reflects the time from when Polaris returns an HTTP 200 status code and the time the data is ingested into Polaris. The lag doesn’t account for the time between an application sending a request and Polaris responding with a 200.

  • Type: summary
  • Labels: region, project_id, table, job_id, quantile

Kinesis ingestion

Polaris emits the following streaming ingestion metric for Amazon Kinesis.


The total lag time, in milliseconds, between the current message sequence number consumed by the Kinesis streaming job and latest sequence number in Kinesis across all shards.

  • Type: summary
  • Labels: region, project_id, table, job_id, quantile

Project capacity metrics

Polaris emits the following project capacity metrics. You can use these metrics to set alerting thresholds and remediation actions on projects nearing capacity.


The maximum size of the project in bytes.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id


The current size of the project in bytes.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id

Query metrics

Polaris emits the following SQL query metrics.


The number of SQL queries.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, tables


The time it took a SQL query to complete in milliseconds.

  • Type: summary
  • Labels: region, project_id, tables, quantile

Polaris provides query_count and query_time_ms metrics for tables that have been queried. If you haven't queried any tables, these metrics are not available. Configure your monitoring tools to zero fill missing data in the UI.

A query that omits the table namefor example, SELECT 1234or fails SQL planningfor example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE nonExistentColumn='abc'has its tables label set to tables=[].

The order of elements in the tables list is not guaranteed. For example, if you have two queries SELECT * from A, B and SELECT * from B, A, the metrics for these queries can be split across two lists tables=[A, B] and tables=[B, A].

Table metrics

Polaris emits table metrics only when calculated. Configure your monitoring tools to use the previous value instead of 0.


The size of the compacted data in the table in bytes.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table


The number of intervals in the table.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table


The number of intervals in the table that have been compacted.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table


The size of the table in bytes.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, table

Legacy metrics (beta)


Legacy metrics is a beta feature that should be considered preview and subject to change or removal at any time. This feature does not impact query performance or introduce any breaking changes in the operations of Imply Polaris. If you choose to implement this feature, know that metric names, types, and labels are subject to change without prior notice.

Applications that use legacy Druid features can gain visibility into those features by emitting the legacy metrics described in this section. By default, Polaris doesn't emit legacy metrics. To include them, set the includeLegacyMetrics query parameter to true.

For example:

Native query metrics

All native queries metrics come with the native_ prefix to distinguish them from SQL query metrics.

When enabled, Polaris emits the following native query metrics:


The time it took a native query to complete in milliseconds.

  • Type: summary
  • Labels: region, project_id, tables, native_query_type, quantile


The number of native queries.

  • Type: gauge
  • Labels: region, project_id, tables