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Audit logs

Audit logs capture authentication and administrative events for your organization in Imply Polaris. You can use audit logs to detect anomalous activities and investigate potential misuse of privileges or security incidents.

This topic explains how to view audit logs in the Polaris UI. To retrieve audit logs through the Polaris API, see the Audit API documentation.


Users with the AccessAuditLogs permission and members of the Organization Admin group can view audit logs in Polaris. For information on permissions, see Permissions reference.

View audit logs

Audit logs provide contextual information based on the category and type of action.

Polaris retains audit logs for a minimum of 31 days.
You cannot modify or delete audit logs.

To view audit logs in the Polaris UI, click the gear icon in the top right corner to open the Administration console. Click Audit logs in the left navigation pane to access the main Audit logs page:

Audit logs main

Each logged event contains the following fields:

  • Time: date and time the event occurred
  • Actor: user who triggered the event
  • Summary: description of the event
  • Category: category of the event

Logged events may include additional fields based on their category:

  • IP address: IP address of the user who triggered the event
  • Original representation: state of the resource before the event occurred
  • Representation: state of the resource after the event

Click on a log to view its details:

Audit log details

Logged events

This section describes the events captured by Polaris, grouped by event category.

Authentication events

The Auth category encompasses user authentication events.
Polaris provides logs for the following types of user authentication events:

  • Successful user login
  • Failed user login
  • Logout
  • Password reset requested
  • Password updated
  • User impersonated
  • User invite accepted

Administrative events

The Admin category encompasses administrative events.
The following table shows the types of administrative events recorded by Polaris:

User eventsGroup eventsAPI key events
User createdGroup createdAPI key created
User updatedGroup updatedAPI key updated
User deletedGroup deletedAPI key deleted
User name changedGroup name changedAPI key name updated
User enabledGroup permissions addedAPI key permissions added
User disabledGroup permissions removedAPI key permissions removed
User invite sentGroup scope all projectsAPI key scope all projects
User password resetGroup scope specific projectsAPI key scope specific projects
User groups addedGroup member addedAPI key description updated
User groups removedGroup member removed

Search audit logs

You can use the search bar to narrow down events according to your specified criteria.

Filter by date range

To find events within a date range, click the date drop-down and select one of the available options:

  • Last day
  • Last 3 days
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 14 days
  • Custom

Audit logs range

To use a custom range, select Custom from the date drop-down and enter the start and end dates.

Other filters

You can apply additional filters to refine your results. Click the Filters drop-down to view available options. You can filter by user email, event category, or IP address.

Audit logs filters