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Input expressions reference

Ingestion jobs in Imply Polaris map input fields to table columns. An ingestion job mapping takes an input expression as well as the name of an output column. An input expression describes how to compute the value of a table's column from the input fields. An input expression can map an input field as is or apply one or more Apache Druid® SQL functions to transform the data.

Some use cases require complex data types, such as cardinality sketches or IP addresses. These data types may require specific transforms during ingestion to properly parse and store the data.

This topic lists the Druid SQL functions you can use in input expressions. It also references the specific input expressions required to ingest complex data types.

For information and examples on input expressions in ingestion jobs, see Map and transform data with input expressions.

Input expressions for dimensions

The following resources list the operations supported in input expressions for dimensions:

Input expressions for measures

If the table column is a measure, the input expression must use one of the following aggregation functions:

  • COUNT(*): Counts the number of rows of expr.
  • SUM(expr): Sums numbers.
  • MIN(expr): Takes the minimum of numbers.
  • MAX(expr): Takes the maximum of numbers.
  • Functions to measure dispersion:
    • VARIANCE(expr) or VAR_SAMP(expr): Computes the sample variance of numbers.
    • VAR_POP(expr): Computes the population variance of numbers.
  • Functions to estimate distinct counts:
    • COUNT(DISTINCT expr): Counts the number of distinct values of expr. In Polaris, this is the same as APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT and APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_HLL. Polaris uses the HLL approximation algorithm to estimate distinct values. To compute distinct count estimates from sketches, see Query sketched data.
    • APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_THETA: Counts the number of distinct count values using Theta sketches. Theta sketches require more memory than HLL sketches.
  • Sketch creation functions. For more information, see Cardinality sketches and Quantiles sketches.
    • DS_HLL(expr, [lgK, tgtHllType]): Creates an HLL sketch on the values of the expression.
    • DS_THETA(expr, [size]): Creates a Theta sketch on the values of the expression.
    • DS_QUANTILES_SKETCH(expr, [k]): Creates a Quantiles sketch on the values of the expression.
  • Functions to aggregate based on time. For more information, see Aggregate value on ingestion based on earliest or latest time.
    • EARLIEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr, maxBytesPerString): For the earliest time value in timestampExpr, returns the associated value of a string or numeric expression expr.
    • LATEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr, maxBytesPerString): For the latest time value in timestampExpr, returns the associated value of a string or numeric expression expr.

For more information on these functions, see Druid SQL aggregation functions.

Handling incompatible data types

When there are input values incompatible with a column's data type, Polaris does the following:

  • Coerce the type: An incompatible data that can be cast. For example, a long-typed value in a string-typed column.
  • Ingest null value: An incompatible data type that can't be cast. For example, a string-typed value in a long-typed column.
  • Convert value to null and apply the function: An incompatible input type for a function. For example, dividing a string by the number 2.

The job logs for streaming jobs display the error messages for any parse exceptions Polaris encountered.

For more information on how data types are cast, see SQL data types.

Ingesting specific data types

By default, Polaris determines the appropriate data type for your table using schema detection for tables. Polaris determines data types for table columns based on the input data as well as any transforms you apply. Specific transforms are required to compute aggregations, such as aggregating data into sketches, or to properly parse an input field, such as IP addresses.

If you want to ensure that a column has a specific type, you can explicitly declare it with the intended data type.

This section lists the simple data types supported in Polaris as well as more complex types that require specific transforms. The data types are supported for both detail and aggregate tables unless otherwise documented. For aggregate tables, the SQL examples aggregate the timestamp values using the TIME_FLOOR function to apply rollup at ingestion.

Simple data types

  • bigint Aliased to long in the Polaris API.
  • double: A 64-bit floating point decimal number.
  • float: A 32-bit floating point decimal number.
  • long: A 64-bit integer.
    When ingesting into a flexible table without a declared schema, Polaris ingests Boolean values as long types.
  • string: UTF-8 encoded text, including multi-value dimensions.
  • varchar: Aliased to string in the Polaris API.

Earliest or latest

Schema measure

Supported for schema measures in aggregate tables only.

Ingest the earliest or latest value from a set of aggregated rows. You can apply the EARLIEST or LATEST functions on the aggregated values at query time. For more information, see Earliest or latest aggregation.


Ingest the earliest value from aggregated rows.

  • Table data type: longStringPair
  • Input expression: EARLIEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr)
  • Input data type: expr is a string or numeric input field
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'PT1H') AS "__time",
EARLIEST_BY("score", TIME_PARSE("event_time"))
FROM ...


Ingest the latest value from aggregated rows.

  • Table data type: longStringPair
  • Input expression: LATEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr)
  • Input data type: expr is a string or numeric input field
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'PT1H') AS "__time",
LATEST_BY("score", TIME_PARSE("event_time"))
FROM ...

HLL sketch

Schema measure

Supported for schema measures in aggregate tables only.

Ingest data as HLL sketch objects for approximate distinct counting.
You can provide an optional property in the input expression function to tune the size and accuracy of the created sketches. For more information, see Compute results with cardinality sketches.

  • Table data type: HLLSketch
  • Input expression: DS_HLL(expr)
  • Input data type: expr can be any type
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'PT1H') AS "__time",
FROM ...

IP types

Ingest IP addresses or IP prefixes from a string input field.
For examples of queries on IP type columns, see Enhanced IP support.

IP address

Ingest IP addresses stored in 128-bit binary format.

  • Table data type: ipAddress
  • Input expression: IP_PARSE(expr)
  • Input data type: expr is a string input field

IP_PARSE raises an error if an input value is not a valid IP address. If you prefer to bypass the parsing errors, use the input expression IP_TRY_PARSE(expr), which returns a null value for invalid IP addresses.

INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_PARSE("timestamp") AS "__time",
FROM ...

IP prefix

Ingest IP prefixes stored in 136-bit binary format, comprised of a 128-bit address and an 8-bit prefix value.

  • Table data type: ipPrefix
  • Input expression: IP_PREFIX_PARSE(expr)
  • Input data type: expr is a string input field

IP_PREFIX_PARSE raises an error if an input value is not a valid IP prefix. If you prefer to bypass the parsing errors, use the input expression IP_PREFIX_TRY_PARSE(expr), which returns a null value for invalid IP prefixes.

INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_PARSE("timestamp") AS "__time",
FROM ...


Ingest nested JSON data. For more information, see Ingest nested data.

  • Table data type: json
  • Input expression: None. Polaris detects the type from the data.
  • Input data type: The input field is of type json or complex<json>.
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_PARSE("timestamp") AS "__time",
FROM ...

Multi-value dimensions

Ingest multi-value dimensions (MVDs). MVDs are string types (SQL VARCHAR).

  • Table data type: string
  • Input expression:
    • For a detail table, you don't need an input expression.
    • For an aggregate table, use MV_TO_ARRAY(inputField). The function coerces the MVD into an array for grouping (SQL GROUP BY), but the data is still stored as a string MVD.
  • Input data type: The input field is of type string.

The following example shows how to ingest MVDs into a detail table:

INSERT INTO "simple_detail_mvdmode"
TIME_PARSE("timestamp") AS "__time",
"tags" AS "tags"
FROM TABLE(POLARIS_SOURCE('{"fileList":["array-mvd-agg.json"],"inputSchema":[{"dataType":"string","name":"timestamp"},{"dataType":"string","name":"tags"}],"formatSettings":{"format":"nd-json"},"type":"uploaded"}'))

The following example shows how to ingest MVDs into an aggregate table:

INSERT INTO "simple_agg_mvdmode"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'P1D', NULL, 'UTC') AS "__time",
MV_TO_ARRAY("tags") AS "tags",
COUNT(*) AS "__count"
FROM TABLE(POLARIS_SOURCE('{"fileList":["array-mvd-agg.json"],"inputSchema":[{"dataType":"string","name":"timestamp"},{"dataType":"string","name":"tags"}],"formatSettings":{"format":"nd-json"},"type":"uploaded"}'))

Quantiles sketch

Schema measure

Supported for schema measures in aggregate tables only.

Ingest numeric data as Quantile sketches.
You can provide an optional property in the input expression function to tune the size and accuracy of the created sketches. For more information, see Estimate distributions with quantile sketches.

  • Table data type: quantilesDoublesSketch
  • Input expression: DS_QUANTILES_SKETCH(expr)
  • Input data type: expr is a numeric type
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'PT1H') AS "__time",
FROM ...

Theta sketch

Schema measure

Supported for schema measures in aggregate tables only.

Ingest data as Theta sketch objects for approximate distinct counting with set operations.
You can provide an optional property in the input expression function to tune the size and accuracy of the created sketches. For more information, see Compute results with cardinality sketches.

  • Table data type: thetaSketch
  • Input expression: DS_THETA(expr)
  • Input data type: expr can be any type
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'PT1H') AS "__time",
FROM ...


Ingest the primary timestamp.
Only use the timestamp data type for the table's __time column. The input timestamp field must be parsed from ISO 8601 or milliseconds since epoch format. For more information and examples, see Timestamp expressions.

  • Table data type: timestamp
  • Input expression: TIME_PARSE(timestamp) or MILLIS_TO_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) or __time
  • Input type: The input field is string for TIME_PARSE or long for MILLIS_TO_TIMESTAMP.
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_PARSE("timestamp") AS "__time"
FROM ...


Schema measure

Supported for schema measures in aggregate tables only.

Ingest variance measurements on a numeric input field.
You can apply VARIANCE, STDDEV, and related functions on the aggregated values at query time. For information on the statistics functions, see Stats aggregator.

  • Table data type: variance
  • Input expression: any of VARIANCE(expr), VAR_SAMP(expr), VAR_POP(expr)
  • Input data type: expr is a numeric type
INSERT INTO "example_table"
TIME_FLOOR(TIME_PARSE("timestamp"), 'PT1H') AS "__time",
FROM ...

Learn more

See the following topics for more information: