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Table schema

Imply Polaris stores data in tables. A table's schema determines how the data is organized. It defines the table's columns, data types, and other metadata about the table.

The table's schema enforcement mode controls how the table schema is enforced. You must declare all columns in the table schema for a strict table prior to ingesting data. Flexible tables infer their schema from the ingested data, so you don't need to declare a schema. Flexible tables allow partial schema declaration. That is, the schema on a flexible table may be a combination of declared and undeclared columns, both of which comprise the table's queryable schema.

This topic covers the process of creating a schema, components of a table schema, and the two column types in a schema.


To create and edit a schema in Polaris, you need the following:

  • An existing table.
  • The ManageTables permission assigned to your user profile. For more information on permissions, see Permissions reference.

Creating a schema

A table that contains data has a schema, whether the columns in the schema are declared by the user or inferred by Polaris. Flexible tables do not require a schema before ingestion since Polaris can automatically discover the schema during ingestion.

You can create the schema for a table using the UI or API. In the UI, Polaris provides a suggested schema based on the data it samples before ingestion.

Schema suggestion during sampling in the UI

In the UI, Polaris can suggest the schema for a table for batch or streaming ingestion by sampling your data. With this feature, Polaris scans the first 1000 entries of your source data to create a table schema. During this data mapping phase, Polaris infers a name and a data type for each column in your table based on the detected values from your input fields. This method is best suited for cases when you do not have a predefined schema and want to get started quickly. For an example, see Quickstart.

For details on the difference between schema suggestion and inferred schema for flexible tables, see Relation to sampling.


For streaming ingestion, add data to your topic or stream before creating an ingestion job. The Polaris UI samples this data so that you can preview it. You can include this previewed data in your ingestion job when you select the beginning offset. Select the end offset if you want to omit the previewed data and only ingest events that arrive after creating the job.

Declare a schema in the UI

You can use the Polaris UI to create a schema manually. You can add and remove columns, as described in the example. This method is best suited for cases when you know exactly what your schema should look like and want to define it before loading any data.

For schema updates including adding columns to the declared schema, see Updating a schema.

Declare a schema with the API

You can use the Tables API to create tables and manage schemas programmatically. This method is best suited for automated workflows.

Schema components

When you define a schema, you must specify a name and a data type for each column. Column definitions are immutable.

Column names

The following restrictions apply to column names:

  • Must be unique and non-empty when trimmed of leading and trailing spaces.
  • Can't start with two underscores, such as __time and __count. These are reserved for use by Polaris.

Data types

For both detail tables and aggregate tables, Polaris supports the following data types for a table column:

  • bigint Aliased to long in the Polaris API.
  • double: A 64-bit floating point decimal number.
  • float: A 32-bit floating point decimal number.
  • ipAddress: IP address stored in 128-bit binary format.
  • ipPrefix: IP prefix stored in 136-bit binary format, comprised of a 128-bit address and an 8-bit prefix value.
  • json: Nested data in JSON format. Polaris detects the type from the data.
  • long: A 64-bit integer.
  • string: UTF-8 encoded text.
  • timestamp: The primary timestamp. Only use this data type for the __time column.
  • varchar: Aliased to string in the Polaris API.

The following data types are supported for schema measures in aggregate tables only:

Ingestion notes

Flexible tables don't require you to declare a table schema before ingestion. In most cases, Polaris automatically determines the table schema using the schema of the input data. Certain data types require you to define a particular input expression in the ingestion job. An input expression transforms an input field and maps the result to a table column. For example, use the DS_HLL(expr) aggregation to ingest data into an HLLSketch column. For more details, see Create an ingestion job.

If you don't have a declared schema, take note of the following behavior:

  • Polaris ingests Boolean values as long types.
  • For an ipAddress column, call IP_PARSE on a string input field for the column's input expression.
  • For an ipPrefix column, call IP_PREFIX_PARSE on a string input field for the column's input expression.

For the data types Polaris supports in aggregate tables only, use the appropriate aggregation function for the measure's input expression. See the documentation linked for each measure type in the preceding section.

Handling incompatible data types

This section describes what Polaris does when it encounters an input values with incompatible data types:

  • Coerce the type: An incompatible data that can be cast. For example, a long-typed value in a string-typed column.
  • Ingest null value: An incompatible data type that can't be cast. For example, a string-typed value in a long-typed column.
  • Convert value to null and apply the function: An incompatible input type for a function. For example, dividing a string by the number 2.

The job logs for streaming jobs display the error messages for any parse exceptions Polaris encountered.

For more information on how data types are cast, see SQL data types.

Column types

Based on the table type, columns in a table are either dimensions or measures. A detail table only contains dimensions. Schema measures are only available for aggregate tables.

Schema dimensions and schema measures relate 1:N with data cube dimensions and measures. Data cubes can model additional dimensions and measures using expressions, and can also remove dimensions and measures as needed.

Schema dimensions

Schema dimensions are data columns that contain qualitative information. You can group by, filter, or apply aggregators to dimensions at query time.


Every schema has a timestamp dimension by default. Polaris uses the timestamp to partition and sort data, and to perform time-based data management operations, such as dropping time chunks. When you create a table without a schema, Polaris automatically creates the primary timestamp column __time.

If you use the Polaris API to manually define your schema, include the __time column in the schema object of the request payload. Only the __time column takes the data type of timestamp. If you do not include __time in the table schema, Polaris automatically creates this column for the table.

When creating an ingestion job, you can transform timestamps using input expressions in the ingestion job specification. For more information, see Timestamp expressions.

Schema measures

Schema measures are quantitative data fields or probabilistic data structures derived from the original data source. A schema measure stores data in aggregated form based on an aggregation function you apply on your source data in your ingestion job. For supported aggregation functions, see Map and transform data with input expressions.

When you create an aggregate table, it automatically includes a __count measure that counts the number of source data rows combined into a given table row using rollup. The __count measure is mapped to the input expression COUNT(*). If you have your own COUNT column, you can remove __count when the table has no data or running ingestion jobs.

Updating a schema

You can add a new column to a table at any time. When you add a column to a table that already contains data, the previously ingested rows will list null values for the new column. In other words, Polaris applies the updated schema to subsequent ingestion jobs and does not backfill data from previous jobs.

You can only delete a column from a table when the table has no data and no running ingestion jobs. Note that deleting a column is different from undeclaring a column. When you undeclare a column from a flexible table, Polaris removes the column from the declared table schema but retains the column and its data.

After a schema update, existing ingestion jobs for strict tables do not automatically ingest new columns. To ingest data into new columns for strict tables, start a new ingestion job and include the new mapping from the input field to the table column. For more information, see Create an ingestion job. Note that streaming ingestion jobs into flexible tables may use schema auto-discovery to automatically detect and ingest new input fields as undeclared columns without having to start a new ingestion job.

Update a schema in the UI

To update a schema on an already existing table, go to the table view and click Manage > Edit table. There, you can add new columns as well as declare columns on flexible tables.

  • To add a new column, select Add column from the menu bar. Enter the column name, and click Add. If you declare the column, you can also set the column type and its data type.

  • To declare an existing column, hover over the column and click Edit. Click the toggle to declare the column. Click Apply to save your settings. Polaris marks declared columns with a solid lock icon.

  • To undeclare a column that's declared, hover over the column and click Edit. Click the toggle for declaring the column to the off position. Click Apply to save your settings. Polaris marks undeclared columns with a hollow unlock icon.

    Polaris declare column

Update a schema with the API

You can use the Tables API to update the schema on a table. This method is best suited for automated workflows.


The following example walks you through the steps to create an empty table with a schema definition.

  1. Click Tables from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click Create table.

  3. Enter a unique name for your table, select Aggregate for the table type, and select Strict for the schema mode. For more information, see Introduction to tables.

    Polaris create table

  4. Click Next.

    Polaris displays an empty table with two columns automatically created, __time and __count.

    • The __time dimension stores the primary timestamp for all Polaris tables.
    • The __count measure holds the number of source data rows that were rolled up into a given table row for aggregate tables.

    Polaris labels dimensions with a blue cube icon and labels measures with a green triangle ruler icon. For more details on dimensions and measures, see Schema dimensions and Schema measures.

    Polaris edit schema

  5. Click Manage > Edit table.

    Polaris empty schema

  6. To add a dimension to your schema, click Add column. Select the Dimension column type, and enter its name and data type. Click Add.

    Polaris schema dimension

  7. To add a measure to your schema, click Add column. Select the Measure column type, and enter its name and data type. Click Add.

    Certain data types, such as theta and HLL sketches, are only available for measures. The data type of a measure determines any aggregation functions to apply during ingestion and querying.

    Polaris schema measure

  8. When you finish editing your schema, click Save. Your table now has declared columns in the table schema.

Learn more

To learn about working with tables using the Polaris API, see Create a table by API.